What Can the Woman Caught in Adultery Teach Us about Forgiveness? (John 8)

Jaye Martin

The following is a transcribed Video Q&A, so the text may not read like an edited article would. Scroll to the bottom to view this video in its entirety. 

In John Chapter 8 we see the woman who's caught in adultery. Many people will have heard that story before because Jesus shows her that she was forgiven. Forgiveness is a huge, huge thing because there's not a person living on this earth other than Jesus, when he lived, that was without sin. Sin is when you know you should do something, and you do something different. You do the wrong thing. It is that knowing it. So Jesus says you need forgiveness for that. We all know we want people to forgive us when we say something wrong or do something wrong. Jesus shows her that not only is she forgiven, but that she can go and live life. She is to sin no more. She is to try to strive to be like Christ. But the forgiveness is one of the most important things that we have as a believer to know that God removes our sin as far as the east is from the west, and that we can walk with him knowing he sees us pure, clean, and holy once we've confessed our sins.