Hands-On Faith - Week of October 7, 2013

Hands-on Faith for Families
Week of October 07, 2013

Heavenly Wisdom

Play: Ask your kids questions that test their wisdom: If you had three cookies and could share them with a friend or eat them all yourself without anyone knowing, what would you do? If you receive $10 as a gift, would you save it, spend it, give it away or combine these options? Who can name a godly choice and a worldly choice in each scenario?

Talk: Throughout our lives, we need to make decisions. We have the choice to follow two kinds of wisdom. When we put our own needs and desires before the needs of others, we are choosing earthly wisdom (James 3:14-15). This kind of wisdom is not from God. When we are loving toward others and obedient to God’s Word, we are choosing heavenly wisdom (James 3:17). When we choose heavenly wisdom, it shows in the way we behave. What are some choices you’ve seen other people make that show heavenly wisdom?

Pray: Ask God to help you choose the wisdom that comes from heaven.

Naomi Cassata