Spend Less on Your Mortgage


Spend Less on Your Mortgage

Are you living in more home than your current income can handle? If that’s you, here are few suggestions to stop your home from being a money drain and turn it into an asset that allows you to save.

  • Is it time to sell and downsize? Depending on your financial situation you may have to consider this option in order to create financial breathing room. The decision to downsize should not be taken lightly. If you need a little inspiration, here is a great story of a family that decided to dramatically alter their lifestyle in order to regain financial breathing room!
  • Can you rent out part of your space? With few slight modifications and adjustments you could turn your “money drain” into a “money maker” and earn additional $300 – $600 a month.

Today's tip brought to you by Mvelopes and Money4Life Coaching.