Hands-On Faith - Week of July 14, 2014

Hands-on Faith for Families– Week of July 14, 2014

Theme: 1 John 1:1-9

A Personal Testimony About Jesus

Play: Have your children “testify” about another family member. Ask them to list as many facts as they can about the family member in two minutes. At the end, ask them to explain why they know so much about that person.

Talk: We are able to describe people we know because we have spent time with them. Jesus’ disciples actually saw Him perform miracles, heard Him teach and touched Him after He rose from the grave (1 John 1:1-2). In fact, they lived alongside Jesus for about three years, which made them the perfect people to spread the Good News about Him. Because of these men’s testimonies, we have a record of who Jesus was and what He did when He was on earth. What are some things the disciples learned about Jesus by being able to see, hear and touch him?

Pray: Thank God for giving us the Gospels to show us a clear picture of who Jesus is.

—Cortney Whiting