A Guaranteed Way to Have the Best New Year Ever

Ron Edmondson

Do you want to guarantee your success in the new year?

If you could figure out a way, that’d be worth it, right?

Here’s a Biblical example of how to have the best year ever.

The Lord said to Abram:

Go out from your land,

your relatives,

and your father’s house

to the land that I will show you.

I will make you into a great nation,

I will bless you,

I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.

I will bless those who bless you,

I will curse those who treat you with contempt,

and all the peoples on earth will be blessed through you.

Genesis 12:1–3 (Emphasis mine)

The secret, for lack of a better word, for any success Abraham would ever have would be found in moving from his will to God’s will—allowing God to shake his direction and the outcome of his life.

When the “you” comes after the “I” rather than before, we’ll always guarantee our success.

Here’s a guaranteed strategy for the new year to be a success:

  • Drop your agenda—and join His agenda.
  • Get off your path—and get on His path.
  • Release your ambitions—and embrace His ambitions.
  • Set aside your will—and live His will.

Ron Edmondson pastors Immanuel Baptist Church. Find out more at: