Hands-On Faith – Week of March 27, 2017

Hands-on Faith for Families – Week of March 27, 2017

Theme: Take Time to Know God’s Character

Living in Unity

Scripture: How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in Unity! (Psalm 133:1)

Play: Take a moment to have everyone think of a song. On the count of three, sing your songs at the same time. Next, choose a song for everyone to sing together. Which sounds better — singing different songs or singing the same song?

Talk: Living in peace with each other is more enjoyable than not getting along. Psalm 133:1 says, “How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!” Just as singing different songs at the same time sounds chaotic, fighting with each other creates disunity. God desires for us to live together in harmony. It blesses Him, encourages others and shows the world that we have His love within us. How can you live in unity with your family today?

Pray: Ask God to forgive you for any quarreling words or actions. Pray for His help to live together in unity.

Debbie McDaniel