Certain of His Death - Greg Laurie Daily Devotion - April 4, 2017

Certain of His Death

Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures. —1 Corinthians 15:3

An advice columnist received this letter about the Resurrection: “Dear Uticus, Our preacher said on Easter that Jesus just swooned on the cross and the disciples nurtured Him back to health. What do you think? Sincerely, Bewildered.”

Here was the response: “Dear Bewildered, Beat your preacher with a cat of nine tails with 39 heavy strokes. Nail him to a cross. Hang him in the sun for three hours. Run a spear through his heart. Embalm him. Put him in an airless tomb for 36 hours, and see what happens. Sincerely, Uticus.”

Inevitably, unbelievers will offer their own concepts regarding the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus in an attempt to discredit the Bible and its message. Among the most commonly held theories is “the swoon theory,” proposing that Jesus didn’t actually die on the cross, but went into a deep coma, or swoon. It further proposes that He was revived in the cool atmosphere of the tomb, was somehow able to get out of the tightly wrapped strips of cloth, and appeared to His disciples.

Yet the Roman guards were the first to report the death of Jesus. They were experts at execution, and they would be put to death themselves if they allowed a condemned man to escape death. These soldiers were so certain Jesus was dead, they did not bother to break His legs. They thrust a spear into His body and out came blood and water (which occurs when the heart stops beating), giving them the final proof they needed.

We can either believe or hang our doubts on some flimsy theory. But the death and Resurrection of Jesus means that one day, we all will stand before God and be held accountable.

Summary sentence: Do you hang your belief on the death and Resurrection of Christ or on some flimsy theory?

Copyright © 2017 by Harvest Ministries. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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