Should Abortion Be Considered "Health Care?"

Bri Stensrud

The following is a transcribed Video Q&A, so the text may not read like an edited article would. Scroll to the bottom to view this video in its entirety. 

"I think right now in the pro-life movement we're getting on the verge of this debate about what are the rights, the human rights of a pre-born child. I think it's important to understand the framework of what people are trying to get at. When people say that abortion is healthcare, well healthcare is supposed to advance the well being of people in society so when you're taking the life of an innocent child that is in direct conflict of what healthcare is supposed to be doing for our culture and society. We are not a better society because of abortion. Women are not more empowered because of abortion.

Abortion has created a society in which you're almost expected to terminate your pregnancy if you're pregnant at an inopportune time. If you want to succeed in the workplace or in school this is your option. Why wouldn't you choose this option? What we're doing is we're creating a culture that would rather kill children than accommodate these women's need as mothers. Abortion is not healthcare and it's in direct contradiction to that. I don't think the issue anymore is... It's definitely not the issue anymore that a baby, a pre-born baby in utero is a human being. Science is on our side, that's not up for debate anymore.

What is in dispute is that pre-born human being. Are they a person for legal purposes, meaning do they have the right to life? I think Christians we need to move from everybody's kind of on the same page about even Planned Parenthood will say this is a baby, that baby just doesn't have rights. The mother's rights are more important, they trump the rights of that child. That conversation really needs to shift to no this is a person. If we are defining it as a human being it's just a pre-born person. Does that person have rights? When we talk about that we want to be talking about human rights for a pre-born child in the legal sense so that they have the right to life."