Confronted by a Calamity of Troubles? - Wholly Loved - June 25

Confronted by a Calamity of Troubles?
By Kristen Terrette

“Submit to God and be at peace with Him; in this way prosperity will come to you.” Job 22:21

This verse is sound advice—until you realize Eliphaz is calling on Job, a righteous man suffering unimaginable hardship, to repent and to be restored. His rebuke today’s verse comes from is harsh and condemning, especially since his accusations came from false assumptions. Job’s trials weren’t because he rebelled against God.

The world is fallen and broken, unrelenting to those who strive to live like Jesus. Satan, the fallen angel, hates those who know Christ as Savior and therefore is always looking for ways to attack. A friend at my church told me about new and exciting changes and events coming for our congregation and voiced a need for prayers. Staff members needed God’s protection because she felt they were under enemy attack. Many sicknesses and unforeseen obstacles kept popping up, attempting to thwart the upcoming plans.

Have you strived to follow God and felt confronted by troubles? Have you tried to live a life like Jesus but kept encountering roadblocks? If so, be reminded of the trials Jesus, the Son of God, faced while on earth. He proved those who try to live with God are not exempt from hardships. 

Job’s story, which reveals a righteous man who suffered much, in some ways, gives a glimpse of the persecution Jesus faced from the religious leaders who’d been waiting for Him. It’s tragic that the Savior was criticized, rejected, and unjustly accused of wrongdoing, but don’t miss the fact it’s also sacrificial. Jesus lived a perfect life, which neither Job nor us could do. Yet with His death He took the punishment for our sins and provided a way for us to enter Heaven.

In this life, we may suffer, like Job did. Like Jesus did. Others may come against us and accuse us of wrongdoing. If that happens, take heart, you are not alone, and God’s love remains.

Kristen Terretteholds a Master's degree in Theological Studies and served as a Children's Ministry Director for five years. She cherishes her Southern roots and currently lives 45 minutes outside of Atlanta, GA. She’s following her dream by writing Christian fiction during the day and being a wife and mom come early afternoon when the family starts to arrive home. She’s serves on the Wholly Loved Ministries team, serves at her local church on the women's leadership team, and writes for To see her blog and novels, check out her website at

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