Hands-On Faith - Week of November 2

Hands-on Faith for Families – Week of November 2, 2020

Theme: Receive God’s Gifts

Enjoying God’s Love

Scripture: Satisfy us in the morning with Your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. (Psalm 90:14)

Play: Select food items from your pantry shelves and refrigerator — enough for each family member to choose two. Place these items in the middle of the kitchen table. Take turns picking items until all the food has been divided up. Then, have each family member hunt for the expiration date on his items. Talk about why food has an expiration date. What does it tell us?

Talk: Unlike the food we eat, God’s love has no expiration date. His love is unconditional and limitless. Psalm 103:11 says, “For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him.”

Because God’s love is unconditional, we can’t earn His it or do anything to make Him stop loving us. Our value in God’s eyes never changes. Today, as you are enjoying His love, express your joy by singing a praise song, praying Scripture or talking about ways He has showed love for you.

Pray: Thank God that there is no limit to His love for us.

Melinda Taylor

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