Hands-on Faith - Week of August 16, 2021

Hands-on Faith for Families – week of August 16, 2021

Theme: Reach Out to Others

To Whom Should We Show Hospitality

Scripture: Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. (Hebrews 13:2)

Play: Get ready to play a guessing game. One person will act as the dinner “host,” and another person will act as the dinner “guest.” Without telling the host, the guest must decide what kind of guest he will be — hungry, excited, scared, shy, annoying, grateful or tired. The guest must then act out his part while the host interacts with him and tries to guess what type of person has come for dinner. The guest can talk; he just can’t give the answer. The host is given three guesses. Make sure everyone gets a chance to act as both the host and the guest.

Talk: It’s easy to invite our friends and family for dinner. But it’s not always easy to welcome people we don’t know very well. It can be even harder to share with those who are different from us. But that awkwardness shouldn’t keep us from opening our hearts and our homes to those in need. Luke 14:13-14 says, “But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed.” When we show hospitality to others, whether we know them well or we don't know them at all, we’re joining God in caring for people in need. And we can be confident that He sees our generosity and is pleased.

Pray: Thank God for His constant care. Ask Him to provide for the needs of those you love.

Janine Petry

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