3 Sunday Morning Blessings and Prayers to Start Your Sabbath

Janet Thompson
3 Sunday Morning Blessings and Prayers to Start Your Sabbath

We’ve all experienced the Sunday morning crunch of getting everyone out of bed, showered, dressed, fed, and in the car dashing to church before it starts without us. If small children are involved, it gets even crazier. When my three toddler grandchildren stayed with us without their parents, it was always a challenge to get them and myself ready at the same time.

Even as they grew older, the girls needed help with their hair and my grandson always wanted to wear shorts even when it was snowing outside. Fond memories now but hectic at the time.

Oh, and did I mention that Grandpa sings in the worship team, so it was imperative we arrived at church before the first song?

I’m sure you have your own Sunday morning stories. Sometimes even harsh words or a quarrel breaks out and we arrive in the church parking lot worn out and frazzled instead of refreshed and ready to worship.

What a difference it would make if we took time for Sunday morning blessings and prayers to start our Sabbath day with the Lord.

Photo Credit: © Getty Images/monkeybusinessimages 

What Is the Importance of Starting Each Sunday with Blessings and Prayers?

What Is the Importance of Starting Each Sunday with Blessings and Prayers?

We must always treasure the freedom we have to worship and pray freely in our homes and churches. We don’t want to ever take that privilege for granted. It’s also vital to remember that God should be the focus of our Sabbath. We can easily get caught up in making Sunday more about how we look and present ourselves, but Jesus is looking for a contrite and open heart ready to receive his Spirit through songs, scriptures, sermons, prayers, and fellowship with other worshipers.

Experiencing praise and prayer before we even begin the day, and especially before we leave for church, puts our heart, mind, and spirit ready and open to receive what the Lord has planned for our Sabbath.

For those who aren’t able to attend church in person, a time of blessings and prayers can set the mood and trajectory for the entire day!

“Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. You have six days each week for your ordinary work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath day of rest dedicated to the Lord your God. . . .For in six days the Lord made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and everything in them; but on the seventh day he rested. That is why the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and set it apart as holy.” Ex. 20:8-11 NLT

3 Sunday Morning Blessings

Typically, blessings are considered as a source of happiness and goodness for those who love and fear the Lord, but we can also bestow blessings on others in hopes that they too will be filled with the same joy and happiness we receive from God as believers.

All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ. Eph. 1:3 NLT

God has provided tangible ways for us to feel blessed and be a blessing.

1. Worship Music Blessings

1. Worship Music Blessings

Start your Sabbath morning by playing praise music in your home and keep it going as you drive in the car to church. Satan and his emissaries cannot be in the same space with the sound and lyrics of praise music, which is why church services usually begin with a time of worship through song. So let the praise music sweep through your home filling every room and heart and you’ll soon find yourself humming or singing along.

It’s almost impossible to be upset or stressed when praise music blessings are floating through your mind and spirit. When you turn your worries into worship, God will turn your battles into blessings. A life of worship and praise is a life of joy and peace.

I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done. I will be filled with joy because of you. I will sing praises to your name, O Most High. Ps. 9:1-2 NLT

Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth! Worship the Lord with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy. Ps. 100:1-2 NLT

2. Food and Aroma Blessings

Blessings can be material as well as spiritual or both. It’s always a joy to wake up, maybe literally, smelling the coffee or the aroma of something cooking in the kitchen. A Sunday morning breakfast with family favorite foods starts the day off right. If there are young children, or even older kids, in the family, popping in the oven muffins or easy-bake quick cinnamon rolls makes everyone happy.

Growing up, Sunday was homemade waffle day at our house. Since waffles from scratch take time to prepare, we had them as brunch after church. I have fond memories of Sundays learning how to make waffles and enjoying them with my family. I still own the family waffle maker and it blesses me to reminisce about this Sunday tradition.

Today, it might be frozen waffles in the toaster for a quick meal on paper plates, but the family is fed and that’s what’s important.

Give us today the food we need. Matt. 6:11 NLT

Photo Credit: Unsplash/Jackson Simmer 

3. Family of God Blessings

3. Family of God Blessings

When our church closed for a few weeks during the pandemic, I was overwhelmed with emotion when we walked back into church again and were able to worship and fellowship with our church family. The Holy Spirit’s presence was palpable. I feel the same intensity of the Spirit now every Sunday morning as the church family greets each other with smiles, hugs, and conversation.

Especially if you’re living alone, what a blessing to know that you have brothers and sisters in Christ who care about you and you for them. God created us for fellowship!

As you get ready for church, ask God who he wants you to be a blessing to today. Who might need a hug, a prayer, or a listening ear? Remember the refrain from the old hymn: Make me a blessing— Out of my life May Jesus shine; Make me a blessing, O Savior I pray, Make me a blessing to someone today!

For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.” Matt. 18:20 NLT

3 Sunday Morning Prayers

Hurrying to get ready on Sunday morning, we might think we’ll just wait and pray in church. But starting our day with prayer and praise, especially if we’re not able to attend church, acknowledges that this is the day the Lord has made to worship and acknowledge him and he is our priority today and everyday. It’s always a blessing to say, “Good morning, Lord. I give this day to you.”

This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Ps. 118:24 NLT

1. Prayer for Protection

woman drinking morning cup looking peaceful

Good morning, Father, would you please watch over us and keep the evil one away today. Help me to prayerfully put on your complete armor that I read in Ephesians 6:10-18. The belt of truth reminds me that you are a sovereign God, the breastplate of righteousness to guard my heart and emotions, the shoes of the gospel of peace so I will be a source of calm and encouragement in all circumstances. Protect me with the shield of faith from the fiery arrows Satan knows just where to sling. Capture every impure or negative thought with the helmet of salvation. As I study my Bible today, show me how to take up the sword of the Spirit, which is your Word, and guide me in applying it to my life.

I pray a special blessing over my spirit, mind, emotions, will, and body, and speak healing to any spiritual, mental, emotional, relational, physical, and/or volitional problems trying to take residence in me. I command them to be gone and any enemy activities in these areas to be canceled and their power broken.

Guide my words and actions as a reflection of you, Holy Lord. Make me your ambassador of reconciliation and your spiritual representative on the front lines of any difficulties or obstacles I might encounter today. I put my trust and hope in you blessed Lord. Amen

2. Prayer to Give God My Day

Lord, help me to turn all my burdens and worries over to you and to be aware of your still small voice that speaks to my spirit as I study your Word, sing songs of praise, and listen to my pastor’s message. I ask that you bless everyone serving in the worship service.

Jesus, you must increase while I decrease. May your Kingdom come, your will be done, in my life today as it is in heaven.

Use me to brighten someone’s day. Let your light shine through my actions, countenance, and words. Help me set aside all previous plans and desires and be open to how you might want to use me differently than I expected. Bestow resiliency upon me when flexibility is required and flood my spirit with your compassion and understanding.

Fill me with a calm and discerning spirit that exudes joy in knowing you have everything under control in my life and the lives of those I care about and love. Help me to remember that you alone are God! Amen

Photo Credit: © Getty Images/Jevtic 

3. Prayer for Renewal of My Heart and Soul

3. Prayer for Renewal of My Heart and Soul

Sweet Lord, every day I need a new filling of your Holy Spirit, which washes over my heart and soul like living water. I ask Lord that you help me stay consistent in my faith all week and not just on Sunday. Let my spiritual transformation be visible in my actions and reactions. My speech and thoughts.

Lord, help me to rest and refuel for the coming days. They may be difficult and full of trials and unknowns, but you know what lies ahead and I trust that you will give me everything I need to endure and thrive.

Father, my heart yearns for moments like these when I see you in every aspect of the day from the rising of the sun until it sets at night and I can say it is well with my soul. My Lord is on the throne not just on Sunday, but each new day of life. Even in the crises and the chaos, I can always quiet my mind and have a Sabbath moment with you. Praise God from whom all my blessings flow. I love you, Lord. Thank you for loving me so patiently and unconditionally. Amen

You Can Experience Sunday Morning Blessings Everyday

As a child, I was always sad when Sunday was over knowing that Monday morning was back to school. I loved Sunday school, church, family time, and special meals. As we grow older, there are more responsibilities and often a workweek ahead. We may wake up to the Monday alarm with a sense of dread and even forbearance until we experience a “Sabbath” moment.

As I’ve matured in the Lord, I’ve learned that an early morning quiet time of prayer, devotional and Bible reading, and playing worship music ignites blessings of Sabbath and puts my focus back on the Lord each and every day. I have a peace that God is walking with me and he always has his loving eye on me. It’s Sabbath again in my mind, heart, and soul. I pray you too can find those ongoing Sunday morning blessings. His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches over you and me.

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