A Prayer for a Stronger Faith - Your Daily Prayer - July 25

Tiffany Thibault

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A Prayer for a Stronger Faith
By Tiffany Thibault

"The Lord is with you while you are with Him. If you seek Him, He will be found by you, but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you." - 2 Chronicles 15:2b

The Lord. He is the creator of the heavens and the earth. He determines the course of the planets and the days of our lives. He designed the water cycle, the rotation of the earth and He still knows how many hairs are on your head at any given moment of any day. The Lord, strong and mighty, who sits on an eternal throne, who one day will have every knee bow before Him, is with you and He is wanting you to seek Him. 

This verse is clear and strong in its message. The Lord is with you while you are with Him. God’s presence in your life is equal to how much you seek Him or allow Him to be your Lord. A car sitting in a garage will go nowhere on its own. It must be turned on, driven and given regular maintenance to give you the best driving experience. The same holds true for your faith. 

We may want the Lord to be with us in all our circumstances, decisions and relationships. Just wanting it though, doesn't mean that it happens. We must seek Him. This does not mean that God is hiding. This simply means that action is required on our part to truly find Him, to know who He is. We can only truly find Him when we are actively seeking the Lord through prayer and spending time in the Bible. 

Our verse continues by giving us two options for our relationship with the Lord. If you seek Him, He will be found by you, but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you. This truth is echoed in Jeremiah 29:13: “You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for me with all your heart.” 

The Lord is a true gentleman. He waits there, while we determine the depth of our faith and the level of our commitment to Him. He longs to have a rich relationship with us, but He allows us to determine how deep and rich that relationship will be. 

How many times have you misplaced your keys or phone? Until I developed a habit of putting the keys or phone back in the same place every time, I wasted countless moments of searching for those items, causing stress over the loss of time, causing me to be late for appointments. In those moments of seeking, I was single focused. I had to find them! The same is true for your faith, as you examine your relationship with the Lord, how single focused are you? How committed are you to seeking Him? Are you committed to daily prayer and Bible study? Are you seeking the Lord more each day? The Lord is there, waiting for you to spend time with Him. Take a few moments right now to seek Him as you meditate on the promise of this verse. Pray to know Him more. Earnestly seek to know Him through reading the Bible. As you continue to seek to know the Lord more, you will find your faith growing and your relationship with the Lord more satisfying. As your faith grows, you will begin to find more wisdom and peace in every situation in your life. 

the Lord is waiting to spend time with you, inspirational photo

Let’s pray:

Dear Lord,
Thank you that you are God. Thank you for the promise that this verse gives me. You are with me while I am with you. Today I will seek you for every up and down that comes my way. Today I will turn to you in my every joy and struggle. I will seek your peace and direction in every situation. Lord, please show yourself to me. Please guide me, love me, forgive me. I need you more and more every single day. Increase my faith, my love and my trust in you. 

In your name I pray,

Photo credit: ©SalemDesign/BethanyPyle

Tiffany Thibault is the author of the Bible study “Being Fruitful;” she loves leading Bible Study and speaking to women, encouraging them through truths from the Bible. She lives in the Mojave desert with her family and loves to explore the wilderness areas around her city.

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