The Gift of Common Interests - The Crosswalk Devotional - March 31

Laura Bailey

The Crosswalk Devotional

The Gift of Common Interests
By Laura Bailey

“All the believers were together and had everything in common.” Acts 2:44 NIV

Our church welcomed a new student pastor and his family a few years ago, but with COVID restrictions, I hadn’t gotten to know his wife. However, an impromptu opportunity to serve the cake at a wedding allowed us to get acquainted. A little bummed I wouldn’t be able to mingle with the other guests but happy to help, I walked up to the table and reported for cake duty. Shortly, in between passing out cake slices, we discovered that we both loved historical fiction and shared a mutual affection for thrift store books. After turning in for the night, my husband inquired about the new connection. "I had to tear you away; I didn't think you knew her well," he said. After sharing that we were bonding over books, my husband let out a chuckle and a sigh of understanding.

The next time I saw the minister’s wife at church, she had a stack of books for me. We began texting about our growing want-to-read list and shared recent reviews, but the conversation became more than just our latest book finds over time. Our conversations morphed into thoughts from our time in the Word and authors who challenged our current beliefs. Eventually, we began to share our lives, worries, and fears, seek biblical advice, and confess sin. Our unassuming relationship shifted beyond pleasantries and transformed into a deep friendship rooted in mutual love for God that enhanced our intimacy with our Savior.

In Acts, chapter 2, Paul describes the establishment of the church, and specifically, Acts 2:42-27 gives us a peek into the lives of the early church members. After repenting, believing, and trusting the Lord as Savior, they were ready to make a public profession of faith followed by baptism. After which, they began new routines as followers of Christ. The new believers were devoted to the apostles' teachings. They ate and prayed together. They bonded over everyday activities and conversations through their common interest in spreading the gospel's good news. This commonality prompted them to sell their possessions and give to those in need. Their lives were filled with joy and gladness, and the Lord honored their obedience and faithfulness by growing His Church.

A serving opportunity and fanatic zeal for books brought my new friend and me together, but our mutual desire to honor God and share the Good News with others drove us to take our hobby and use it for God’s glory. This summer, our church will host our first book club! We will read three different Christian novels, come together to fellowship and discuss, and leave encouraged by the body of Christ. We also started a smaller book club for accountability, prayer, praise, and encouragement. All because the Lord brought two people together who had something in common.

We never know how the Lord will use daily situations to draw people together and to Himself. Maybe it will be a book club, an Easter egg hunt, or a serving opportunity. Nothing is wasted in God’s economy, and we are to make the most of every opportunity for the days are short ( Ephesians 5:16). 

As believers, we are called to unity, like-mindedness in spirit (Philippians 2:2), a shared love for God, and a desire to know Him and make Him known! How that plays out in our daily lives looks different from church to church, family to family, and person to person. Embrace the unique talents, gifts, and hobbies God has given you and use them as you connect with people, hoping to bring others to the One who unifies us all – Christ. 

Intersecting Faith and Life:
God has equipped us to use our talents and passions for His glory. What gift can you share with others, which would open the door to sharing the Gospel?

For Further Reading:

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/WoraweeMeepian

Laura Bailey headshotLaura Bailey is a Bible teacher who challenges and encourages women to dive deep in the Scriptures, shift from an earthly to an eternal mindset, and filter life through the lens of God’s Word.  She is the author of Beyond the Noise, and loves any opportunity to speak and teach women of all ages. She is a wife and momma to three young girls. Connect with her on her website,, Facebook and Instagram.

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