6 Reasons Why the Church Can Be Unwelcoming and Unfriendly

Robert Hampshire

Sadly, the place that many people feel the least welcome is not in a business or home but in a church building. This even leads to some people leaving the church.

So if you are in a church that you do not think is particularly welcoming and hospitable to you, but you think you need to be there for other reasons, then maybe if you take the first step and initiate a conversation or connection instead of waiting on someone else (so go and be the neighbor), then you just might discover that others are in the same boat of immaturity, ignorance, introversion, intimidation, etc. and our hospitality might make a friend!

And as the writer of Hebrews tells us, when we show hospitality to strangers, we might even be "entertaining angels" without even knowing it! (Hebrews 13:2).

Photo and Audio Credit: ©Unsplash/thomasvitali and Soundstripe/After Midnight Adam Saban HAQ0I3S92AN3EM1G