In Touch - June 3, 2006

In Touch Daily Devotional 
by Dr. Charles Stanley

Saturday June 3, 2006

A Healthy Body

1 Corinthians 3:16-17


Today you should take a good, long look at yourself. What is your attitude about your body? How concerned are you with healthy eating and regular exercise? These are important questions that many believers never ask. In fact, some may separate the spiritual life from the physical life altogether. This is not the view that the Lord intended.


God, who carefully crafted each of us, places high value on our bodies (Psalm 139:13). The human form represents the masterpiece of Creation, and God entrusted our bodies to our care. Just as with any other resource — such as relationships or money — the Father expects wise stewardship from us.


Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians provides a clear picture of Christians mistreating their bodies. Many people in the church had been engaging in various unacceptable practices, including gluttony and sexual misconduct (5:1; 11:21). Because of their low view of the physical body, they incorrectly regarded this behavior as completely separate from their spiritual lives. They believed they could do anything they wanted with their bodies and still be considered “good Christians.”


In 1 Corinthians 3:16, Paul declares, “Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” The apostle reminds us that God’s Holy Spirit has come to live in the heart and life of every believer.


If you have received Christ as Lord and Savior, then He has taken up residence in your life. In effect, your body has become a walking testimony. What is your

body saying about your walk with Christ?

Celebrate Fathers this month. Discover what our heavenly Father expects of dads and how He equips them to raise godly sons and daughters in Dr. Stanley’s series “ How-To’s for Fathers .”

Breaking News: How to Handle Your Emotions is the latest elective now online at the Charles Stanley Institute of Christian Living! This expansive course focuses on Dr. Stanley's powerful 12-sermon series by the same name. In this course, students not only learn the basics of a healthy, biblical, and positive love for themselves, but they will also target some of the most potentially explosive emotions, including self-image, anxiety, loneliness, guilt, anger, depression, and rejection. Included in this for-pay elective course is a hand-signed copy of Dr. Stanley's book, Finding Peace, which brings further emphasis to the areas of regret, anxiety, and fear.