Great is Thy Faithfulness 9/26

Great is Thy Faithfulness 
by Larry Burkett

September 26

Who Are You Working For?

1 Chronicles 3, 4, 5
"Whatever you do, do your work heartily as for the Lord rather than for men" (Colossians 3:23).

Fred was really excited about the paint job he had just finished and anxiously waited for the boss of the auto paint shop to return and see it. But when his boss returned he only remarked about the small run of paint under the left headlight that needed to be sanded out and retouched. Fred was crushed and discouraged because he had so wanted to impress his boss.

It is natural to want to be recognized and rewarded for a job. Everyone wants to be appreciated, which is important. However, if this is our ultimate motive for service, we will most likely be disappointed. That's a major reason so many Christians aren't happy in their jobs; and many are even bitter.

Consider your own situation and who you work for. Are you happy? If not, you may be employed in the right place but performing for the wrong person and for the wrong reason.

Disappointment, discouragement, and bitterness are very often symptoms of wrong motives.

If you are working to please some person rather than to please God, ask for His forgiveness and ask Him to help you develop a different motive for working.

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