Pray for the 365 Most Influential People 9/17

Pray for the 365 Most Influential People in the World 
September 17

dc Talk
Christian Music Group

We do not preach ourselves but Jesus Christ as Lord. 2 Corinthians 4:5

POINT OF IMPACT: dc Talk is a Grammy-winning band comprised of Toby McKeehan, Kevin Max, and Michael Tait, who believe that the Christian message and secular musical appeal can go together - and sell. Their rap/rock CD, Jesus Freak, scored a record for first-week sales for a Christian album with 85,000 sold. Though the group's musical style has evolved over the years, its bold, gospel-driven proclamations remain front and center. As Max notes, "dc Talk usually hits the message straight on, lights on, high beam heading straight for it." In 1998 the group's fifth CD, Supernatural, came out under the Virgin Records label, guaranteeing the group an even larger secular audience. Phil Fox, Virgin's Director of Product Management, says, "We saw them as wonderfully gifted songwriters and musicians. We don't want to dilute what they say. If it happens to have a heavy spiritual message, so be it." dc Talk recently launched a campaign to promote racial unity, ERACE (Eliminating Racism and Creating Equality).

They're Jesus freaks who win secular music fans.

BEHIND THE SCENES: The band members live in Nashville. McKeehan is married to Amanda; they are the parents of one. Max is married to Alayna, and Tait is single. They started their music career as students at Jerry Fallwell's Liberty University in Virginia.


  • Give thanks for dc Talk's boldness and success in combining contemporary music appeal and the gospel.
  • Pray that the band's move to a secular label leads to a significant impact with new audiences of non-Christian youth.
  • Pray for God's blessing and protection for Toby McKeehan, Kevin Max, and Michael Tait and for their families.
CONTACT: dc Talk, P.O. Box 1107, Brentwood, TN 37067
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