The Bible is filled with examples of how an individual, regardless of their relationship status, can demonstrate love to those around them. It could take the form of an unexpected gift at an unexpected moment, or be as simple as forgiving an old wrong. How will you show your love this Valentine’s Day?
Well, if you’re short on ideas, here are ten gestures of godly love you can show your beloved this February.
Celebrate Your Differences

Celebrate Your Differences
You and your partner are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). God has created each of you with unique gifts and special traits which are significant to you alone. They are what make you the person that you are. Take this opportunity to recognize and celebrate your partner’s special qualities. Let them know how much you cherish them as a person.
Look Back on Your Accomplishments Together

Look Back on Your Accomplishments Together
The Bible says that two are better than one, “because they have good reward for their toil” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12). This Valentine’s Day, look back on all you have done together as a couple. Have you raised a family? Built a house? Served your community? Take pride in all you have accomplished with your partner.
Share Your Burdens

Share Your Burdens
Marriage is the joining of two believers in body, mind, and spirit. Don’t push your spouse away when you are in pain, and don’t try to hide your anxieties from them. The Lord has commanded us to, “bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2). If you have been keeping something from your spouse, use this opportunity to be honest with them. Grant them the privilege of sharing your burden.
Forgive One Another

Forgive One Another
Christian marriage is meant to symbolize the sacred union between Christ and his Church. Just as Christ has forgiven us, so must you forgive your spouse. Is there some transgression you are still holding against them, some bitterness you have refused to let go? The Lord has commanded us to, “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you” (Colossians 3:13). This Valentine’s Day, take a quiet moment to reconcile with the one you love.
Compliment Their Beauty

Compliment Their Beauty
King Solomon wrote entire books of poetry extolling the virtues of his beloved. He called her “altogether beautiful” and told her she had “stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes” (Song of Songs 4). Husbands and wives want to know they are desired in the eyes of their spouse. Compliment them throughout the day, woo them like you did when you first met. Help your beloved see themselves through your eyes.
Give a Personal Gift

Give a Personal Gift
Chocolates and flowers are always nice, but this year why not try something different? Think about your spouse and consider a gift which speaks to them. Make something with your own hands, or give them a souvenir from a special moment in their life. A gift that means something is a priceless treasure. It may be difficult to find, but the struggle will be worth it.
Laugh Together

Laugh Together
God may have instructed us to share each other’s pain, but he also desires we share our joy. Have some fun this Valentine’s Day, do something which will make you both burst out in laughter. Live in the moment, and make sure that moment is a good one. Proverbs tells us that, “For the despondent, every day brings trouble; for the happy heart, life is a continual feast” (15:15). Take a heart serving of joy this holiday.
Give Your Time

Give Your Time
Every day is busy. There are chores to do, projects to finish, and errands to run. Have you been making time for one another? This week, choose a day and wipe your schedules. Make your spouse the center of attention for a change. The Lord has taught us that the hardship of work will never change (Proverbs 12:11), but the blessings of marriage should never go overlooked.
Thank God for Each Other

Thank God for Each Other
Did you ever stop and realize that it was God who brought you both together? From the day you were born, he was preparing a future for you? It’s easy to come before God in prayer when we need something, but we often forget to thank him for the blessings he shows us. Your spouse is a great gift from the Lord (Proverbs 19:14) (Proverbs 31:10), take a moment to lift your heart in thankfulness this Valentine’s Day.
Look Toward the Future Together

Look Toward the Future Together
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In the end, this is just another Valentine’s Day. In a week most of us will have returned to our daily schedules. Before that happens, take a moment and look toward the future together. There is still so much life has to offer, and do not doubt God has great plans for you. Consider your direction and remember,
“Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” - Psalm 23:6
Originally published February 13, 2024.