It’s that time of year again! The time when Cupid comes out with his bow and arrow and the aisles of every store become filled with chocolate, hearts, and glitter galore. Ahh, mon amour – so this is love!
Well, can I share a secret with you? I used to hate Valentine’s Day. I know that sounds a bit (or a lot) harsh about a holiday that revolves around love. And, honestly, if you really knew me and the true fairy tale girl that resides within (I am a hopeless romantic), you would think, no way! Not you!
But let me share a little story. It started about twenty-ish years ago, as a newlywed. When the holiday of love came around, my handsome hubby and I sort of sneered at the thought of celebrating Valentine’s Day, agreeing that it was all just super silly and a way for Hallmark to sell cards. Ha! So, we decided that we would boycott it altogether. In other words, we didn’t see the need and thought it was futile. We were young and naive, I like to tell myself now.
The story gets better - sort of.
So, after the birth of our first daughter, a few months later, the holiday we swore we didn’t need to celebrate rolled around. While we both still thought Valentine’s was a silly holiday, I couldn’t help but notice that our love had taken a backseat because parenthood was glaringly more difficult than we had ever imagined. Not only that, but the passion in our marriage was all but absent, and love seemed to take a nosedive amid dirty diapers, lack of sleep, and living off granola bars. So, when my hubby came home from a long day at work and sweetly asked what was for dinner, and I saw he didn’t have roses or chocolates (he had absolutely nothing), I began sobbing uncontrollably! It was a pretty sad scene.
Yes, of course, he was totally confused, but it brought something to light. We realized our marriage needed another checkpoint. And well, Valentine’s Day provided just that. While we also used our anniversary and other special occasions to gauge the temperature of our marriage, we realized it never hurts (and is actually good for us) to have several times throughout the year when we “check in” on our marriage and our love for one another. Because let’s face it, it is ever so easy to get complacent or fail to tend to the passion within our union when seasons of life get crazy and hectic.
So, maybe you need to reignite the passion in your marriage. Perhaps you need to say, “Let’s celebrate this year.” Maybe you need to keep the love alive and find something fun to do that will draw you even closer together!
Yes, this holiday can surely come with a lofty set of demands and an overwhelming sense of having to check the box of love. But I invite you to look at it in a whole new way. Better yet, choose to see your spouse in a new way. Then consider what would make them totally swoon. What speaks to their heart? What’s their love language? How can you meet a need that hasn’t been met in a while? How can you truly love your spouse this Valentine’s Day?
Then, get creative and check out the list of ideas below to get started. May this checkpoint in your marriage remind you both what a blessing your marriage truly is and what a gift you have in each other!
1. Enhance Your Date Night

1. Enhance Your Date Night
If you have a regular date night, I applaud you! Having a regular date night isn’t only needed but so worth it! However, sometimes, we can get to a place where date nights tend to grow a little stale. Ugh! I hate to even say that because going out with your precious spouse should feel anything but that!
So, whether your standby date is dinner at your local favorite restaurant or to check out the latest movie, spice it up and try something new, fun, and exciting! Not sure where to begin? Try one of the ideas below:
-Go ice skating!
-Check out a clean comedy club.
-Go on a romantic picnic.
-Take a cooking, painting, or dance class.
-Visit a local art gallery or museum.
-See a live play or go to a Christian concert.
2. Get Crafty

2. Get Crafty
Who doesn’t love getting a homemade gift or a box filled with love letters? Talk about romantic! Maybe you are crafty and enjoy making gifts that show others how much you adore them! Then again, maybe the thought of making something feels downright intimidating. No worries, you don’t have to be super creative to make a gift “made with love.” One year, my husband made me a coupon book, and the thought he put into it made it all the more special. If you feel inspired and want to get crafty, creating something that will make your bride or groom blush, then check out some of the ideas below:
-Make a jar filled with pieces of paper of Bible verses about love and/or have sayings of how much your spouse means to you.
-Create a bouquet of chocolates and candy.
-Make a scrapbook or collage of some of your favorite memories together.
-Create a scavenger hunt with clues leading to a special and meaningful homemade gift.
3. Keep it Simply Sweet

3. Keep it Simply Sweet
There are some simply sweet ways to show your sweetheart you love them without a fancy dinner or extravagant gift. Often, it’s the simple, sweet gestures that go a long way. This is also where you can tap into your spouse’s love language and meet a need that could refuel their love tank. Maybe your stay-at-home wife needs some alone time. Try running a nice warm bath with candles and bubbles, then let her relax. Maybe your husband has been really stressed from work. Play some gentle, calming music and rub his neck and shoulders. Taking notice of what your spouse truly needs and doing your very best to meet that need in a loving way will not only touch their heart but will surely make way for passionate sparks to fly!
Other ways to simply love your spouse and keep it simple:
-Make your spouse’s favorite dinner or dessert.
-Give a sweet and meaningful compliment.
-Go on a long walk together and hold hands.
-Give them the gift of quality time and your undivided attention.
Photo credit: ©Getty Images/PeopleImages
4. Get Out and Be Adventurous

4. Get Out and Be Adventurous
Sometimes, we just need to get out in God’s beautiful world and experience it together in order to rekindle those flames in our marriages. Doing life together and making it meaningful is one of the best ways to keep a marriage healthy and alive! Try to be intentional and mindful of how you can build intimacy by getting out (maybe even out of your comfort zone) and getting a little adventurous!
Start with a discussion about what brings you both joy. If you have forgotten, open up that line of communication and see how you can tap into some things you are missing or rekindle new hobbies or interests and go from there.
Need some ideas? Try some of these fun ways to create adventure in your marriage this Valentine’s Day:
-Hop on a motorcycle or go on a bike ride.
-Travel to a new and exciting place.
-See the outdoors by going horseback riding.
-Go skydiving (there are indoor options available too).
5. Rest, Rejuvenate, and Relax

5. Rest, Rejuvenate, and Relax
On the flip side, maybe you and your honey need a safe place to rest, rejuvenate, and simply relax. If you have young kiddos who are depleting every ounce of your energy or college kids who are pulling every one of your emotional strings, escape from it – literally. Whether by booking a couple’s massage or sneaking off for the day to find solace in a nature park nearby, taking a moment to get back in sync with one another will do wonders for your marriage.
Here are some other ways to rest and relax as a couple:
-Put the kids to bed early and snuggle up on the couch with popcorn and a favorite movie.
-Bring your spouse coffee in bed and cozy up next to them.
-Sit by the fireplace and enjoy the quiet or read a book together.
-Listen to your favorite music and swap stories or share memories.
A Prayer for Your Marriage This Valentine’s Day

A Prayer for Your Marriage This Valentine’s Day
Lord, You are such a good Father, and we are so grateful for the gift You so graciously gave us in the confines of a marriage. Help us reconnect and find ways to rekindle our love by seeking You first and foremost. We want to bring glory to You in our union and long for You to be a vital part of our marriage – to lead, guide, and hold us accountable for checking in and ensuring we are loving one another faithfully. As life gets stressful or brings about trying or difficult seasons, help us lean into You so that we can comfort and support one another. Lord, we love You and pray that You bless our marriage this Valentine’s Day and every day. Amen.
Originally published February 05, 2025.