Let’s face it, getting out of bed feels impossible some days. Whether you are struggling with depression, stress, or exhaustion, it can be extremely difficult to get up and start the day. As someone who struggles with depression, I can personally share the truth that it is not laziness that is causing many of us not to get out of bed in the morning. Rather, it is the depression, the stress, the overwhelming feelings, the anxiety, or the pure exhaustion causing us to stay put.
If you have been struggling to get out of bed in the morning, know it is not laziness. As adults, we normally do not stay in bed for no reason. There is a reason we are extremely tired and don’t want to face the day. These are issues that often need to be addressed with a doctor or therapist; however, not everyone has the financial resources to get this kind of help. If you are able to get help from doctors and therapists you should, but if you can’t, there are many things you can try on your own.
Consider these five ways to get out of bed when you don't feel like it:
1. Plan Something in the Morning That You Look Forward To
One way to get out of bed when you don’t feel like it is to plan something in the morning that you look forward to. By having something planned that you are looking forward to, you will be more prone to want to get out of bed in the morning. This could be to plan to go for a morning walk, to do some gardening, or have some time to read a book you are really enjoying. Any of these things can help motivate you to get out of bed in the morning and give you a reason to get up.
This might be hard to plan every day, but try it for a week and see if it helps. Try to plan something different each day to give variety to your mornings. After a week, you might be able to see which things help you get more motivated to get out of bed in the morning and stick with those things. If you struggle with depression, getting outside in the morning hours can particularly help your depression. Therefore, doing something, such as gardening, going for a walk, or reading outside are all things that can help you feel better in the morning.
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2. Make Your Favorite Breakfast

2. Make Your Favorite Breakfast
A second way to get out of bed when you don’t feel like it is to make your favorite breakfast. Even if you are not big on cooking or baking, most of us have a favorite breakfast dish. Plan on making your favorite breakfast when you wake up. By doing this, it can help you be excited to get out of bed because you will be able to enjoy your favorite foods. If your favorite breakfast is something you have to pick up from a fast food place or a restaurant, you should pick it up.
Consider it a special treat to help you get out of bed in the morning before a big presentation or the morning after a difficult family encounter. The goal is to feel motivated and excited to face the day. Starting out with your favorite breakfast will help you feel more ready and excited to wake up and get out of bed. If you choose to make your own breakfast, it will also help keep your mind occupied rather than dwelling on issues that are swimming in your head. Being involved with your hands can help fight any feelings that urge you to stay in bed.
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3. Spend Time with Your Spouse and Kids

3. Spend Time with Your Spouse and Kids
A third way to get out of bed when you don’t feel like it is to spend some time with your loved ones. If you are married and you both have full-time jobs, you probably don’t get much time to see each other on the weekdays. Try to use this as a motivation to get out of bed in the morning to have coffee with your spouse and just have some time to talk. Your spouse loves you and they should be someone you feel comfortable being around. Share with them your feelings and your struggles of getting out of bed in the morning. It could be that they will be able to provide additional support for you.
Nobody should be afraid to be honest with their feelings, especially with their spouse. Talk with them about it and use any extra time just to enjoy each other’s company. Your spouse can help you with your struggles, but you have to tell them. Your husband or wife probably knows you better than anyone else, but they are still not a mind reader. By telling them and being open with them, they will be able to provide you with help and support.
In the same way, you could spend some time with your kids in the morning. Chances are you have an early commute to get your kids to school, but this can be challenging when all you feel like doing is staying in bed. Use this as a reason to get out of bed in the morning. By getting out of bed in the morning, you will be able to have time to spend with your kids before you have to take them to school. This could be a beautiful chance to build stronger relationships with your children.
Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Jonathan J Castellon
4. Start a Morning Routine

4. Start a Morning Routine
A fourth reason to get out of bed when you don’t feel like it is to start a morning routine. Personally, I have found this to be extremely helpful because it gives you a reason to get out of bed to start the day. I have many things to do in the morning and the pure realization of this motivates me to get up. As adults, if we don’t get our tasks and chores done before work, we probably won’t get around to doing them later.
Therefore, having a morning routine can help us be motivated to get out of bed. Your morning routine might be to get ready, have breakfast, do laundry, and get everyone ready for school. Or your morning routine might look like having some quiet time with God before everyone else wakes up. Establishing a morning routine can really help you get in the habit of waking up at the same time every day. It gives us purpose, which is something we need when we are struggling with depression, anxiety, or stress.
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5. Open Up the Blinds

5. Open Up the Blinds
A fifth way to get out of bed when you don’t feel like it is to open up the blinds. Just opening up the blinds or the curtains can help you feel more awake. It also helps you see the beautiful sunshine and get some natural light into your bedroom. Just this small burst of light and sunshine can really help you feel motivated for the day. When we are feeling depressed, overwhelmed, or anxious, we normally want to hide in a dark room for the entire day, but God created the light to overcome the darkness.
The Lord doesn’t want us to spend our entire lives locked away in a dark room. Instead, He wants us to feel the warmth of the sun on our faces and feel the breeze from the wind. It can be difficult to get out of bed when you are struggling, but remember that you will feel much better if you get up and face the day rather than hiding away. By hiding away and staying in bed, it will only make you feel worse. The harder choice is getting out of bed in the morning, but it is the option that will ultimately help you the best and make you feel better.
You owe it to God, yourself, and your loved ones to get up and be present. The world needs you today.
Related Resource: Courageously Conquer Your Fear
Tragedy, trauma, and tsunamis—this was the life of Riley Kehoe. A survivor of one of the world's worst tsunami disasters in 2004, she had to make a choice right then and there: Will I live in fear my whole life or honor my gift of life by courageously helping others? We all have fears, traumas, and things to overcome, and Riley's testimony is one that will inspire you to be brave and courageous! Like what you hear? Subscribe to Bought + Beloved with Kirby Kelly on Apple or Spotify so you never miss an episode!
Photo Credit: ©SparrowStock
Originally published January 13, 2025.