Upheaval envelops our world. Conflict in Eastern Europe could spark a third world war. Violence in Israel brings prophecies to mind. Charismatic leaders operate in oppression and corruption. Religious leaders are exposed as manipulative and sinful.
In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus teaches us to watch for signs of the end, and many today believe we’re witnessing these signs play out on the news before our eyes. Especially with the rise of powerful leaders and the descriptions in Revelation, people wonder if the Antichrist is already among us.
We should be cautious with such discussions, humbly realizing we may not be witnessing all of God’s plans. At the same time, we are taught to watch and pray.
Regarding the Antichrist, it is wise to make sure we don’t worship a man or woman or hope in a leader, taking the place reserved only for Jesus. The apostle John speaks of how the spirit of the antichrist is already in the world, and that was two thousand years ago (1 John 4:1-6). A few chapters earlier, he also mentions people operating as false Christs (1 John 2:18-23). Therefore, while we may not be dealing with the Antichrist, we still deal with the Antichrist spirit and people who act as false Messiahs. Eventually, the singular one will emerge to unify the world under great deception.
Here are seven reasons why the Antichrist may be alive today.
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1. The Great Delusion

1. The Great Delusion
In the end times, widespread spiritual deception will lead many astray and pave the way for the rise of the Antichrist.
In 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10, the apostle Paul writes, “The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.” Paul uses the term “lawless one” to refer to the Antichrist. Here, he highlights the role of a great delusion from the Devil to lead humanity away from the truth of the Gospel.
Deception has always existed. However, modern advancements in communication technology and mass media have the potential to propagate deception on a global scale, amplifying the influence of false teachings and ideologies. The prevalence of misinformation, conspiracy theories, and manipulation through digital platforms can contribute to spiritual confusion and deception among individuals.
Today, people actively undermine the ideas of the family through lies about sexuality and identity, tearing down a godly institution designed for good and stability. An increasing number of pastors and self-proclaimed Christians don’t affirm the authority of the Scripture or the divinity of Jesus. As society becomes increasingly secularized and spiritual discernment wanes, people may be more susceptible to deception and manipulation by individuals who embody the characteristics of the Antichrist.
The people of God must remain vigilant, rooted in the truth of God’s Word, and develop spiritual discernment amidst this confusion and delusion.
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2. Moral Decay

2. Moral Decay
In biblical prophecy, great moral decay and spiritual apostasy in society are associated with the rise of the Antichrist. Declining ethics set the stage for the emergence of the “lawless one,” a figure embodying ultimate rebellion against God and his principles. Scripture warns of such a time in 2 Timothy 3:1-5:
“But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.”
Today, societal trends such as moral relativism, hedonism, and rejecting traditional values are evidence of moral decline. The normalization of behaviors contrary to biblical teachings, such as greed, pride, immorality, and disregard for human life, indicates a departure from God’s standards. Society has arrived at a point beyond accepting or tolerating such sin but openly celebrating it.
Moreover, the erosion of moral absolutes and the acceptance of subjective truths can pave the way for the deception and charisma of a leader who promises worldly solutions but leads them further from God’s truth.
As disciples of Christ, we must diligently stand up for God’s standards of what is right and good for all people, including relief for the poor, sexual purity, the structure of family, and the value of all human life.
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3. Surveillance and Control

3. Surveillance and Control
Technological advancements and societal trends toward increased surveillance and centralized control may pave the way for a future dictator to establish authoritarian rule over humanity. In China, they estimate that 200 million surveillance cameras exist to watch their citizens, if not more. Other countries increase their surveillance capabilities as technology and funds allow.
In Revelation 13:16-17, it is prophesied, “And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation prophesies a scenario where the Antichrist implements a system of control that requires people to receive a mark to participate in economic activities, which necessitates much control over people’s lives.
Today, advancements such as biometrics and RFID implants raise concerns about the potential for mass surveillance and control over individuals. In addition, the proliferation of digital platforms and data collection raises serious questions about privacy rights. The whole world recently endured national and international lockdowns during the COVID-19 epidemic, revealing the control available for leaders who want to facilitate oppressive measures like restrictions on freedom of expression, movement, and association.
For followers of Christ, it underscores the importance of discernment in evaluating the implications of technological advancements and societal trends on personal freedom and autonomy.
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4. One World Government

4. One World Government
Biblical prophecy explains how, in the end times, political power will be consolidated under a single global authority, paving the way for the rise of a charismatic leader who embodies the antichrist spirit.
Revelation 13:7 describes the rise of a beast: “And authority was given it over every tribe and people and language and nation.” The beast represents the Antichrist, a political figure establishing a centralized government with worldwide influence and control.
Today, there are concerns about globalization trends, which some interpret as steps toward the formation of a one-world government. Efforts to address global challenges such as climate change, economic inequality, and pandemics through multilateral agreements and institutions lay the groundwork for a centralized political authority.
Moreover, communication, technology, and transportation advancements have facilitated greater interconnectedness among nations, fostering a sense of global citizenship and unity. The rise of supranational organizations such as the United Nations and the European Union reflects a trend towards increased international cooperation.
Additionally, economic globalization has led to interdependence among nations, with global financial systems and trade networks linking economies worldwide. One powerful and charismatic world leader can exploit this worldwide convergence of governments and economies.
The church must be even more diligent in keeping the local church’s connection and autonomy alive and well, gathering together and acting as the family of God to resist these movements toward globalization.
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5. Economic Instability

5. Economic Instability
During the end times, the rise of the Antichrist is associated with economic distress. These economic crises and disparities create conditions conducive to the rise of a charismatic leader promising solutions that lead humanity astray.
Revelation 18:11-19 describes the fall of Babylon, a symbolic representation of worldly kingdoms, a wealthy city of power and commerce. Babylon is the evil copy of the kingdom of God. In this passage from Revelation, merchants and traders mourn Babylon’s destruction, indicating economic consequences for those who benefited from its wealth and trade. Economic systems collapse.
Concerns about economic instability, inequality, and financial crises are prevalent today. Persistent poverty, unemployment, and income disparities can create social unrest, making people vulnerable to promises of economic prosperity and security offered by charismatic leaders like the Antichrist. An example of this was Hitler, whose extremism took advantage of Germany's economic hardships after World War I.
Globalization and interconnected financial systems have increased the susceptibility of economies to systemic risks and shocks. Speculative bubbles, debt crises, and market volatility in one area undermine confidence in the financial institutions of other nations, creating opportunities for extremist ideologies. In addition, the unknown long-term effects of automation and artificial intelligence raise concerns about the future of jobs and economies.
Christians must respond in two ways. First, we must heed the warning about the allure and false promises of prosperity and security, finding these realities in Christ instead of this world. Second, we should continue to be generous and giving to people experiencing poverty, showing the world a loving alternative to materialism and consumerism.
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6. Environmental Concerns

6. Environmental Concerns
Jesus warns of environmental crises contributing to the worldwide catastrophes paving the way for the rise of the Antichrist.
In Matthew 24:7, part of the Olivet Discourse, Jesus gives several signs that the end of the world is approaching: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.” Jesus calls these events “birth pangs,” as if the earth feels the coming judgment and begins to quake. Of course, these environmental factors can be caused by humans. Concerns about climate change, pollution, deforestation, and biodiversity loss are prevalent worldwide.
Environmental upheaval often increases economic and social inequalities, leading to refugees, resource conflicts, and humanitarian crises. In these times, people are more susceptible to the influence of a charismatic leader offering promises of security. As stewards of the planet, Christians should support reasonable and sustainable development and conservation efforts essential for mitigating the risk of environmental issues.
According to the Bible, some of these events can’t be blamed on humanity, and no amount of green policy will prevent all major crises from occurring. However, they still have the potential to cause the political and economic uncertainty the Antichrist will exploit.
Again, while these events are part of the judgment of sin coming to the earth, as Christians, we should not only be good stewards of the planet but also give relief to those affected by major earthquakes and other natural disasters.
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6. Environmental Concerns

6. Environmental Concerns
Jesus warns of environmental crises contributing to the worldwide catastrophes paving the way for the rise of the Antichrist.
In Matthew 24:7, part of the Olivet Discourse, Jesus gives several signs that the end of the world is approaching: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.” Jesus calls these events “birth pangs,” as if the earth feels the coming judgment and begins to quake. Of course, these environmental factors can be caused by humans. Concerns about climate change, pollution, deforestation, and biodiversity loss are prevalent worldwide.
Environmental upheaval often increases economic and social inequalities, leading to refugees, resource conflicts, and humanitarian crises. In these times, people are more susceptible to the influence of a charismatic leader offering promises of security. As stewards of the planet, Christians should support reasonable and sustainable development and conservation efforts essential for mitigating the risk of environmental issues.
According to the Bible, some of these events can’t be blamed on humanity, and no amount of green policy will prevent all major crises from occurring. However, they still have the potential to cause the political and economic uncertainty the Antichrist will exploit.
Again, while these events are part of the judgment of sin coming to the earth, as Christians, we should not only be good stewards of the planet but also give relief to those affected by major earthquakes and other natural disasters.
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7. Rise of False Prophets and Christs

7. Rise of False Prophets and Christs
More than any other sign the lawless one might be alive today is the rise of false prophets and Christs. As mentioned before, antichrists have existed from the beginning, but in the end times, these figures will increase to lead people away from the truth.
In Matthew 24:24, Jesus warns, “For false Christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.” A false prophet claims to hear from God and give a message from him. A false Christ does much the same but also claims to be personally divine, as Jesus did, getting people to worship them in the place of God. These false Christs will also deceive with miraculous works to prove their divinity, possibly even leading Christians away from the Gospel.
In our modern day, false teachings, cults, and other spiritual movements distort or directly contradict biblical truth. Just within the past century, the world has witnessed several people claiming to be a messianic figure: Jim Jones, Sun Myung Moon, and David Koresh are only a select few. Along with the Great Delusion, advancements in communication technology and mass media have amplified the reach and influence of false prophets and deceptive teachings. Through digital platforms, television, and social media, false teachings can spread rapidly and reach a global audience, deceiving many who are not grounded in biblical truth.
As believers, we must develop spiritual discernment and study Scripture to have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, the true Messiah, and the only salvation. Knowing the real empowers us to recognize the false.
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What Should We Do About the Antichrist’s Coming?

What Should We Do About the Antichrist’s Coming?
As we said at the start of this article, we should be cautious of end times discussions. For one thing, we should be cautious of giving in to paranoia when we discuss the last days. We remember instead to focus on the instructions Jesus left us for the navigating the end of days.
Jesus instructs us to look for these signs, yet we aren’t meant to do it alone.
We’ve been given the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth (John 16:13), and the church, which is the pillar of truth in this world (1 Timothy 3:15). Along with the God-breathed Scripture, giving the Bible authority (2 Timothy 3:16-17), we’ve been empowered to navigate and find wisdom to recognize the works of God and the strategies of the Devil.
Let us continue to gather locally with other believers, stay rooted in the Bible, and watch the world through the power of the Spirit to notice the signs as the Father reveals them.
Photo Credit:©Sparrowstock/David Clark
Originally published April 08, 2024.