
8 Signs of the End Times That All Christians Should Know

Updated Mar 06, 2024
8 Signs of the End Times That All Christians Should Know

Many Christians look around at the craziness happening in our world today, and they are convinced the end is near. From the Old Testament prophets onward, the Bible continually promises a future end to the earth’s corruption, a series of destructive events culminating with a holistically peaceful and joyous world, the one we all long for. The study of this transition, from Isaiah to Revelation and many passages in between, is called eschatology.

As with any theological study, there are diverse interpretations of these passages. One thing is clear: there will be an end to this world. And it will take us by surprise on some level. We must be ready. Jesus and the New Testament writers give us hints and signs that the end is growing near.

How close? We don’t know. Jesus says we can’t know. Yet we are getting closer today than we were yesterday. The urgency exists, and Jesus tells us to be diligent, ready, watchful, and aware.

Here are eight signs of the end times that all Christians should know.

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1. Hearts Grow Cold

silhouette of stressed man sitting under tree, signs of the end times

One sign given by Jesus is that “the love of many will grow cold” (Matthew 24:12). This chilling prophecy suggests a pervasive spiritual and moral decline in which people become increasingly indifferent, callous, and devoid of love and compassion towards one another.

We can observe hearts growing cold in various modern trends and behaviors. Apathy, selfishness, and disregard for others’ well-being are evident throughout contemporary life. In an increasingly individualistic and materialistic world, people prioritize their own desires and interests above others’ needs, leading to a breakdown of empathy and solidarity.

For instance, digital communication provided new avenues for connection but also contributed to detachment and superficiality in human relationships. Online interactions often lack the depth and authenticity of face-to-face communication, fostering a culture of virtual connection at the expense of genuine empathy and understanding.

Furthermore, violence, injustice, and discrimination highlight the prevalence of cold-heartedness and indifference towards marginalized communities’ suffering. In response, we are called to remain steadfast in our faith and committed to embodying Christ’s love and compassion in an increasingly cold and heartless world.

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2. Great Delusion

shoes with two opposing arrows one saying true and one saying false, signs of the end times

Paul tells us one sign the end is near will be a “great delusion,” a massive deception across the population. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11 warns of a time when “the lawless one” will come with “all power, signs, and lying wonders” to deceive those who refuse to love the truth.

In modern times, we witness various forms of great delusion. On the religious side, charismatic leaders and self-proclaimed prophets exploit people’s vulnerabilities and insecurities to gain followers. False doctrines, cults, and misleading ideologies lead many people away from the truth. One pertinent example is the proliferation of conspiracy theories and misinformation in the age of digital media.

On the societal side, Western society has progressively accepted and celebrated sexual sins that God warns are destructive. This has risen quickly, to the point that biological realities are counted as a lie, replaced with worshipping our feelings and personal perspectives, no matter how easily proven wrong. These lies hurt people in the short and long run, placing individuals into bondage despite their claims of freedom.

In the face of the great delusion, we must love the truth. 1 Thessalonians 2 mentions how those deceived didn’t love the truth, including believing it brings us life even when it brings conflict and death. Through this love, we find discernment about deceptive teachings and ideologies.

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3. Wars and Rumors of Wars

Soldiers at war

Matthew 24, called the Olivet Discourse, contains several signs from the words of Jesus before his death. One is “wars and rumors of wars” occurring.

We witness various examples of wars and conflicts across the globe. Whether it is Russia’s invasion of Ukraine or the ongoing Middle Eastern conflict between Israel and Gaza, these conflicts cause immense suffering and displacement, with many factions fighting for their cause. The Israel-Gaza war is especially interesting in light of Jerusalem’s place in eschatology. In recent decades, the rise of non-state actors (terrorist organizations, insurgent groups) has only increased global insecurity. Daily, we face reports and rumors of tensions that leave us concerned about national peace and stability.

In light of the signs of wars and rumors of wars, we are called to be prayerful peacemakers in a world plagued by conflict and strife. By promoting reconciliation, justice, and dialogue, we can work towards mitigating the causes of conflict and fostering a culture of peace in our communities and beyond.

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4. Natural Disasters

hurricane, signs of the end times

Another sign from the Olivet Discourse is the occurrence of natural disasters. In Matthew 24:7, Jesus warns his disciples about “famines, earthquakes, and pestilences” as signs that the end is near.

We observe numerous examples of natural disasters occurring with increasing frequency and intensity, which remind us of human existence’s fragility and the natural world’s unpredictability. One notable example is the rising number and severity of hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones. These storms wreak havoc on coastal communities, causing widespread destruction and death. Furthermore, earthquakes have become more frequent in seismically active regions, such as the Pacific Ring of Fire, which underscores the persistent threat of geological hazards. Devastating earthquakes, like the ones that struck Haiti in 2010 and Nepal in 2015, lead to catastrophic loss of life and infrastructure damage, leaving communities reeling.

In addition to storms and earthquakes, the emergence of new infectious diseases and the resurgence of old ones contribute to the fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy regarding pestilences. The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the novel coronavirus, is a stark reminder of the global impact of infectious diseases and their potential to disrupt societies and economies on a massive scale.

In the face of natural disasters, we should respond with compassion, generosity, and solidarity towards those affected. By offering aid, support, and prayers, we demonstrate the love of Christ and provide hope and assistance.

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5. Persecution of Christians

Person in prison, bail denied to Christian in Pakistan

During the Olivet Discourse, Jesus gives the prophecy about the greater persecution of Christians before the end. In Matthew 24:9, Jesus warns his disciples, “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name’s sake.”

Almost twice as many Christians have been martyred over the past century than the previous 1900 years combined. One prominent example of persecution around the world is in countries where religious freedom is restricted, such as North Korea, where Christians face severe persecution for their faith, including imprisonment, torture, and execution.

Additionally, in regions plagued by sectarian violence and extremism, such as parts of the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, Christians are targeted by radical groups and ideologies. Terrorist organizations like ISIS have systematically targeted Christian communities, carrying out attacks on churches, kidnapping believers, and forcibly displacing entire populations. In societies governed by authoritarian regimes, Christians often face legal and social discrimination, restricting their ability to practice their faith freely and openly.

Despite persecution, believers worldwide continue to stand firm in their faith, demonstrating resilience, courage, and unwavering commitment to Christ. The persecution of Christians reminds us of the spiritual warfare and opposition faced by followers of Jesus and underscores the urgency of praying for and supporting persecuted disciples worldwide.

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6. False Prophets

scary magician, signs of the end times

False prophets will emerge during the end times, leaders who deceive people with misleading teachings and false signs, which Jesus teaches in Matthew 24:24, stating, “For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.”

We witness the proliferation of false prophets and misleading teachings in various religious and spiritual contexts. These individuals often claim divine authority or supernatural powers to attract followers and exploit their vulnerabilities for personal gain or power.

One modern example of false prophets can be seen in certain charismatic leaders or self-proclaimed spiritual gurus who peddle prosperity gospel or new age philosophies. These individuals often promise material wealth, health, and success in exchange for financial donations or adherence to their teachings. However, their messages often lack biblical truth and promote self-centeredness, greed, and spiritual delusion.

Social media, while it can be a valuable tool, can be very poorly used by false teachers of all kinds. What was meant to be good becomes another opportunity to spread and teach false doctrines, where individuals with large followers disseminate misleading information under the guise of spiritual enlightenment or hidden knowledge.

In the face of false prophets, we must again love the truth and exercise discernment, test the spirits, and adhere to the teachings of Scripture. By remaining rooted in God’s Word and guided by the Holy Spirit, who leads us into all truth, we guard ourselves and others against deception and stand firm in the truth amidst the prevalence of false prophets.

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7. False Messiahs

man using people as puppets, signs of the end times

Jesus explicitly warns about false Christs in Matthew 24:24, stating, “For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” While false prophets teach a wrong doctrine, a false Christ calls others to worship them as if they were a messianic figure—which, of course, includes much bad teaching.

These false Christs often attract followers by promising salvation, enlightenment, or spiritual fulfillment. Still, their teachings and actions contradict the teachings of Jesus Christ and the principles of the Christian faith. One recent example is David Koresh of the Branch Davidians. Koresh claimed to be the final prophet and the Lamb of God. Ultimately, his cult ran into a deadly conflict with federal authorities. Another false Christ is Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda of Grace International Ministry. He claimed to be reincarnated Jesus Christ but received widespread criticism and condemnation from Christian leaders and organizations.

These individuals and others like them have exploited the vulnerabilities of their followers, manipulating their followers’ beliefs for personal gain or power. Their claims to be messianic figures have led to tragic consequences, underscoring the importance of discernment and critical thinking for every Christian.

In response to false Christs, we must cling to the one, true Christ, Jesus, and test all other spirits by the Holy Spirit.

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8. Gospel of the Kingdom to All Nations

light spreading across globe's surface, signs of the end times

It’s not all bad news. The Good News will be spread to every nation and people in the world before the end. In Matthew 24:14, Jesus declares, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

In modern times, the Gospel is proclaimed and spread to people of diverse cultures, languages, and nations worldwide. Advances in technology, communications, and transportation have facilitated the global dissemination of the Gospel, enabling believers to reach remote and unreached areas with the message of salvation.

The Church continues to support the work of missionaries and evangelists who dedicate their lives to sharing the Good News with people from around the globe. Through missions organizations, churches, and ministries, missionaries utilize various strategies and methods to reach unreached people groups, including evangelistic campaigns, humanitarian aid, and community development projects.

Social media can be a tool for good, as well. Online platforms have revolutionized evangelism, allowing us to reach vast audiences across borders and cultures through websites, social media, streaming platforms, and digital resources.

As the Gospel continues to be proclaimed to all nations, we eagerly anticipate the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise and the culmination of God’s redemptive plan for humanity. The global proclamation of the Gospel is a testament to God’s faithfulness and desire for all people to come to know him and experience his saving grace.

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How Should We React to Signs of the End Times?

woman worshipping worship sunset sunrise hands up canaanite woman, signs of the end times

Remember, these are signs we’re getting close, not the Tribulation or the end itself. In Matthew 24, Jesus calls these “birth pangs.” Like a woman in labor, the contractions are painful and increase in intensity while the period between shortens. We will always see some manifestation of these aspects. However, are they becoming more prevalent and more intense? One clear growing sign is the persecution of Christians.

Either way, we know the end of the story. We have a sure and unshakable hope in Christ. The Devil will do all he can to distract and discourage us from the end, but the end is unchangeable. The victory of Christ will redeem all things and make all things new. That is the Gospel of the Kingdom we declare and invite all people to trust in.


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Britt MooneyBritt Mooney lives and tells great stories. As an author of fiction and non-fiction, he is passionate about teaching ministries and nonprofits the power of storytelling to inspire and spread truth. Mooney has a podcast called Kingdom Over Coffee and is a published author of We Were Reborn for This: The Jesus Model for Living Heaven on Earth as well as Say Yes: How God-Sized Dreams Take Flight.

This article is part of our larger End Times Resource Library. Learn more about the rapture, the anti-christ, bible prophecy and the tribulation with articles that explain Biblical truths. You do not need to fear or worry about the future!

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Signs of the End Times
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Originally published March 06, 2024.


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