The U.S. -- and the world -- has been wrestling with issues of racial equality for centuries. In America in recent times, the issues of racism and equality have been particularly at the forefront of our national discourse, with many Christian leaders speaking out against racism and for reconciliation. Ultimately, many Christian leaders have acknowledged that there is much injustice to face and much work to be done, but that the Gospel is essential to true and lasting reconciliation. Here are 10 quotes from Christian leaders on the issues of racism, equality, and what the Church can do to work for justice and unity.
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1. Albert Mohler

1. Albert Mohler
"I would argue that racial superiority in any form, white superiority as the central issue of our concern, is a heresy. The separation of human beings into ranks of superiority and inferiority differentiated by skin color is a direct assault upon the doctrine of Creation and an insult to the imago Dei--the image of God in which every human being in made. Racial superiority is also directly subversive of the gospel of Christ, effectively reducing the power of his substitutionary atonement and undermining the faithful preaching of the gospel to all persons and to all nations."
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2. Martin Luther King Jr.

2. Martin Luther King Jr.
I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality... I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word.
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3. Eric Metaxas

3. Eric Metaxas
"Like my heroes Wilberforce and Bonhoeffer, I see racism as the very antithesis of the love of Jesus for all. So white nationalism is Satanic."
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4. Rev. Franklin Graham

4. Rev. Franklin Graham
"I denounce bigotry and racism of every form. I pray our nation will come together. Our answers lie in turning to God."
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5. Sarah Bessey

5. Sarah Bessey
"Praying fiercely for an empowered church to rise in love and courage and strength and truth against the evil of white supremacy."
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6. Pastor Tony Evans

6. Pastor Tony Evans
"God does His best work in the midst of unity. In fact, so essential is the issue of oneness in the church that we are told to be on guard against those who try to destroy it. God has intentionally reconciled racially divided groups into one new man, uniting them into a new body, in order that the church can function as one. When the church functions as one, we boldly brag on God to a world in desperate need of experiencing Him."
Photo courtesy: ©Creative Commons/The Urban Alternative
7. Dr. Alveda King

7. Dr. Alveda King
"This is the 21st century, and we would all like to think racism is dead in America. Actually, that's not the case: still there are some racial issues that are out across this nation, and so we have a responsibility as compassionate citizens of America, no matter what our ethnic group happens to be, to confront these issues when they arise."
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8. Russell Moore

8. Russell Moore
Southern Baptists "must have the clarity and courage to apply the Gospel to the anti-Christ doctrines of blood and soil racism and white supremacy. What would it say to the world around us if they saw our churches made up of every tribe and tongue and nation and language serving one another, loving one another?"
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9. Pastor Rick Warren

9. Pastor Rick Warren
"Our nation is desperate for healing… and the Church cannot be silent. Race was God's idea. Racial reconciliation is at the heart of the Gospel."
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10. Pastor John Piper

10. Pastor John Piper
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"I believe that the gospel—the good news of Christ crucified in our place to remove the wrath of God and provide forgiveness of sins and power for sanctification—is our only hope for the kind of racial diversity and harmony that ultimately matters. If we abandon the fullness of the gospel to make racial and ethnic diversity quicker or easier, we create a mere shadow of the kingdom, an imitation. And we lose the one thing that can bring about Christ-exalting diversity and harmony. Any other kind is an alluring snare. For what does it profit a man if he gains complete diversity and loses his own soul?"
Photo courtesy: ©Micah Chiang/Creative Commons
Publication date: August 22, 2017
Originally published April 12, 2024.