Does God Use Evolution as a Process to Create Living Things?

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One of the questions is whether or not God could have used processes in bringing about the life forms that we see today. Or does it have to be just instantaneous? Of course, it is up to God. He is all powerful. He had the choice of doing it either way. So, you have to go out and see what does Genesis teach and what does scientific material and evidence point. But all that evidence has to be interpreted.
I think there is one little thing that is helpful to know. If you look at the case of the Exodus from Egypt, here is a classic case of a tremendous miraculous event the dividing of the waters of the Red Sea. If you go to Exodus 14 you will see at one point it mentions that God sent a strong east wind that blew all night. That was in connection with the dividing of these waters. In other words, God himself used means. What was miraculous about it was when it happened. It happened at just the right point, when Pharaoh and his army are there and coming after them. And it is clearly something that God was involved in, in an intimate and personal way, but it doesn’t mean that He didn’t use means. And that means, I think, that we should retain some flexibility. The Genesis account doesn’t mention means other than very basic, like saying it is out of the earth that he brought the plants and animals. But other than that, very basic thing it does not go into detail. But to me, that doesn’t go into detail either way. Either to say he did it in a moment or that he used processes. That much shows us that it is possible to take either point of view.
We would also have to get into a discussion of the days of Genesis and how long they are. There are several views there, again I’d refer people to my book, Redeeming Science, where I lay out about 10 different views trying to wrestle with Scripture (which is authoritative) and science which we have to interpret.
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Originally published August 23, 2022.