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Banish the Unofficial Luggage of Foster Care


  • Updated Feb 01, 2002

Sometimes you just need someone to talk to.


Look for the symptoms...

--Avoidance of people, withdrawal from friends
--Making threats or a plan to get back at a boyfriend, girlfriend, teacher or other person
--Becoming preoccupied with weapons, guns, violent movies, TV shows and music that promotes killing or
glorifies death

--Moodiness and increasing signs of jealousy, hostility and irritation
--Drop in grades, and loss of interest in normal fun and activities
--Frequent talk and obsessive thoughts about someone who has hurt him/her
--Cruelty to or abuse of animals
--Negative and cynical attitude toward parents, teachers, and people in general

If the list you read above sounds like a friend or just an acquaintance, you owe it to the person that you are concerned about to speak up. If you are afraid to talk to the person directly, tell a teacher, principal, parent or someone in authority about what you think may be happening.

Remember that rage is an intense, out-of-control anger. When a person becomes full of rage, the possibility of hurting someone else, or themselves, is great. Usually, the rage does not go away by itself. It will keep building until something bad happens. Recognizing rage is the first step toward change. Oftentimes, the person doesn't know how really mad they are. You could be the one person that reaches out and makes a difference in your troubled friend's life...before it's too late.


A parent's main job is to teach your child to deal with anger in a healthy, assertive manner from the time they first begin to experience the emotion. Teaching them to understand and talk about their feelings early on may make the difference when they reach adolescence and are faced with intense and explosive feelings of anger and resentment.

If you are worried that your child might have an anger problem, look for the following symptoms:

--Moodiness, accompanied by a loss of interest in personal appearance, withdrawal from parents or peers, loss of interest in activities, explosive anger or apparent apathy
--Voicing hurt, or anger over a specific situation or person who has failed them without seeming to find a resolution
--Anxiety, increased anxiousness or irritable behavior
--Changes in sleeping patterns and/or changes in appetite
--Delusional thinking or speech- hearing voices, seeing people or things that other people do not see
--Making a threat to kill you or someone else either verbally or in writing
--Increased use of drugs, alcohol or other mind altering substances
--Participation in games or activities that glorify death and violence


Anger is a part of everybody's life. We all get mad when things don't go our way. Anger can be an overpowering emotion. We may not like how people are treating us, but we don't think we can do much about it. At the heart of a lot of anger is the inward desire that people notice you, respect you, see your needs, and a demand that you not be ignored.

What is your Anger Quotient?
Circle all that apply!

--I yell at, flip off or irritate drivers who make me mad on the road.
--I am known for my sarcastic comebacks.
--I have committed violent acts against others (damaging property, assaulting someone, stealing, rape, etc.).
--I can become hostile about issues that other just accept.
--I've had conflicts with just about everybody... teachers, parents, work, church, neighbors.
--I'm great at giving others the silent treatment.
--I do aggravating things to other that they either don't know about, or aren't big enough for them to get after me about.
--I talk to everyone except the person I am mad at.
--I don't get mad, I get even.
--I don't tell anyone when I am mad, I just hold it all inside until I feel like exploding.

If you find yourself checking 2 or more of these statements, you need to talk to someone about your anger. Anger can build to the point that you hurt yourself or someone else in a life threatening way. Your anger may be an attempt to tell the world that you are important, you matter and other should realize it. Unfortunately, when you act aggressively, it usually gets you more rejection, hurt and pain instead of the understanding you desire. If this sounds like you, find someone who will listen to your anger and show you how to deal with the hurt in your life. Learn to be assertive in a way that brings a solution, not more problems. If you need help taking the first step, call us at 1-800-HELP-4ME.


If you, or someone you know is having trouble coping with anger, is ready to explode - or life is just too much to handle, call someone who cares - call this number now... it's absolutely free and confidential. Don't wait until someone gets hurt.

Calling 1-800-HELP-4ME connects you directly to a New Life Clinics counselor who is qualified to help you think through your options, get help for someone you care about, or respond immediately in a crisis24 hours a day... 7 days a week.

To download the information above in an 8 1/2" X 11" tri-fold brochure, click below. You may print out these AAV brochures and distribute them freely.

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This message is brought to you by Artists Against Violence, a division of Lord & Michaels Entertainment, Brentwood, Tennessee, in association with {{Bleach}}, {{Deniece Williams}}, {{Identical Strangers}}, {{Temple Yard}}, Michael Tait, New Life Clinics,, Youth Development International and

The above information was written by the staff of New Life Clinics.