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Tuesdays With Gary

  • Updated Feb 01, 2002
Tuesdays With Gary

One of the most popular books in the country for over a year is "Tuesdays With Morrie" by Mitch Albom. It traces conversations between a young man who re-establishes a relationship with his favorite college professor after it's found out the old man has amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Lou Gehrig's disease, a brutal disease of the neurological system that is ending his life. He met with the elder Morrie every Tuesday for several weekly appointments filled with wisdom and insight on a variety of topics, all centered around living life to the fullest.

While Gary Chapman is not at all old, and doesn't show any signs of dying (except the normal wear and tear, of course), he certainly appears to be a man who squeezes every drop out of life. That's a man I'd like to spend time with. His most recent album project, ==Outside==, reveals a man who is passionate about life, love, faith, and relationships. He's introspective and encouraging. He's heartfelt to the nth degree. He's been shaken and stirred. And it shows.

He tells me he's heard about the book, and has given away many copies to friends. Would he mind doing a version of "Tuesdays With Gary"?

"That'd be great," he exclaims outright. "Cause I am dying, you know. I'm not exactly as sure as Morrie was as to when. But it's happening, I can feel it."

We addressed nine topics together. And instead of covering one a week like the book, we squeezed them all into one meeting. If you don't mind, though, I'd love to just imagine what it would've been like to spread this out over nine weeks...

The First Tuesday
We Talk About Sports
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"The best thing I can find for myself in sports is their ability to reveal myself to me."

"I won't do business with anyone who won't play golf with me. Only on a golf course do you really see who someone is. And who they are on the golf course is who they will eventually be when the crisis comes."

The Second Tuesday
We Talk About Music
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"Music does indeed soothe the savage beast within me. I listen to a lot of classical music, and instrumental scores of movies that I love. Even movies that I hate. I find many times, after two hours of convincing myself that the popcorn was worth the ticket price, I will in passing pick up a soundtrack and realize that there was something good there all along."

The Third Tuesday
We Talk About Church
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"It's very easy to insulate yourself with this big Christian cushion, and be cut off from the realities of why Christ wants to live in us and affect those around us in the first place. So, I hang out with a lot of really sinful people.

The Fourth Tuesday
We Talk About Family
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"The most fulfilling thing in my life is my kids. Nothing even gets close, on a human level."

The Fifth Tuesday
We Talk About Responsibility
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"I think I'm responsible for nurturing and cherishing my relationship with Christ. And if I really do that, so many of the other responsibilities that are laid out in front of me, that could be pointed at and declared mine, are covered."

The Sixth Tuesday
We Talk About Regrets
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"I think it's possible to choose to not regret. But I don't think it's possible to avoid them completely. You will be confronted with them. At this point in my life, I'm choosing to not regret."

The Seventh Tuesday
We Talk About Ambition
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"I believe our command is to be submissive to God's call. The depth of the passion you feel for whatever call He's placed on your life can easily transition into ambition. Walking that line of living with passion but not being absorbed by self-ambition is a real key to fulfilling whatever call God has placed on your life."

The Eighth Tuesday
We Talk About Love
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"I can't stray very far away from I John, "God is love." I have felt and experienced His love and my imitation of His love. I much prefer His love. It's best experienced, oddly enough, alone. Alone in His presence. That's not to diminish the experience of sharing it with a wife or kids or friends or anybody. But the most precious experience to me is [when I'm] alone."

The Ninth Tuesday
We Talk About Seeking God
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"Looking back over my life, I clearly believe that He has sought me more than I have sought Him. That is the Ultimate Comfort."

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To get more information on the "Tuesdays With Morrie" book, click here or on the book cover and you'll be taken to!