Dr. Tony Evans Devotional Alternative View

<< Alternative View with Dr. Tony Evans

Alternative View - September 28, 2017

Known for Excellence

Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way. —Booker T. Washington,

African-American educator Imagine you’re at the movies with a friend, and you run into an acquaintance you know from work. The three of you chat a bit, and then the acquaintance moves on. After she leaves, you might remark to your friend, “She’s a special woman. She’s so very thoughtful.” Or you might complain, “She’s a tough one! Most of us have a hard time getting along with her.” Or you might even say, “I’m so impressed by her. She’s committed to caring for a brother who’s mentally ill.” What identifies this woman, in your mind, is what stands out about her character.

A kingdom woman is known to others, and commended, as a woman of excellence. Like Phoebe, whom the apostle Paul commended for being a servant of the church and a help to many (Romans 16:1–2), the kingdom woman is known, recognized, and identified by her excellence of character. Whether she’s organizing a church supper or teaching Sunday school or taking out the garbage, others notice her.


1. Are you someone who notices and commends excellence in others?

2. In which area of your life could you grow in excellence?


God, I want to be known—to others, but mostly to You!—as a woman of excellence. Teach me to walk in Your ways so that I bring glory to Your name. Amen.

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