Forbid Money to Be Your Master - The Crosswalk Devotional - January 28
Forbid Money to Be Your Master
By Kelly Balarie
Bible Reading:
“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” – Matthew 6:24
Sharing coffee, my friend revealed a deep struggle with me.
“Kelly,” they essentially conveyed, “I fear when I only have a little money. When I see only a couple hundred dollars in my bank account, I get stressed and afraid. Money rules my countenance. Yet, now I am seeing that I have made money more of a lord, than the Lord. Money rules over how I feel, act, react and it causes me tangible stress.”
My friend feared money. And my friend was right – what we fear, lords over us. Fear makes it seem like -- what we fear -- has the greatest dominion. It gets right up in our face. Then, because this overwhelming feeling seems so real, fear makes us serve that fear – more than the Lord.
Instead of asking, “God, what do you will me to do today,” a person in these shoes may say, “What can I do to be okay? How do I save my life?” Their mind gets preoccupied with the problem.
Fear makes self-preservation a top priority. Fear makes itself master. Fear sends its subjects into endless ruminations on how they can make everything okay.
How is fear lording over you? Is money being raised up as your master?
Jesus said, “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” – Matthew 6:24
With prices going up and with the cost of living increasing, for many, money is tighter than ever. But, still, money is not lord; the Lord is Lord of all. He is Lord of of heaven and earth just as much as He is Lord of all finance.
We never serve money – neither the lack or abundance of it. Instead, our money serves Him and His cause. All the money we have is from Him and by Him. He owns it all. In this, we can give thanks. God knows exactly what we need, when we need it, and money is a tool for His glory.
When we lack finances the best thing to do is to surrender all our finances to God, and to put our trust in God. Here, we get back on track. We remember it is not money that is in charge, because God is always in charge.
God knows exactly what we need; His nature is Provider.
Intersecting Faith & Life:
What are you fearing? How might money be lording over your life? Are you trusting your bank account more than God? What might it look like to surrender afresh to God? What would it look like for you to really trust Him?
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/HappyNati
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