Denison Forum

Gay Marriage and the Supreme Court: A Critical Fact


Note: I am leading a Bible Study tour to Israel May 25- June 3, 2015, and two additional rooms have become available. If you're interested in learning more, click here for more information.​ ​Net proceeds​ ​of this trip benefit the Denison Forum on Truth and Culture.


Today is one of the most significant days in the history of the United States Supreme Court.  The justices will hear arguments regarding the legality of same-sex marriage, and will hand down their ruling in June.  A number of different outcomes are possible.


The Court could legalize gay marriage in all 50 states.  Its decision could also open the door to legalizing other types of marriages, including polygamous relationships, changing the nature of marriage in this country forever.  And its ruling could even require churches to perform same-sex marriages or face threats to their non-profit status.


On the other hand, the Court could decide that marriage law remains the purview of the states, thus upholding bans where they exist.  Even if it strikes down gay marriage bans, it could limit marriage to two adults.  And it could provide a religious liberty exemption.


As the Court and our country consider this pivotal issue, here's a critical fact I have not seen emphasized: If the framers of our Constitution had wished to affirm same-sex marriage, they could have done so.  In 18th century London, gay clubs often included a "Marrying Room" or a "Chapel" where men were "married" (though such ceremonies were not legally binding).  Gay marriages in other cultures were also well known.  Yet the authors of our Constitution made no provision referring to marriage, much less to same-sex marriage, leaving this issue with the states and the democratic process.


We find a similar situation with God's word.  Every time Scripture speaks to same-sex relations, it forbids them.  Some advocates for gay marriage claim that the Bible knows nothing of homosexual "orientation" and monogamous, covenanted same-sex relations, and that it condemns only homosexual lust and excess.  However, they face the same problem with Scripture as with the Constitution.


Same-sex relations were known in ancient Canaan.  Moses could have legitimized such relations, but he forbade them instead (Leviticus 18:20; 20:13).  Homosexual marriage was known in the Roman Empire as well; for instance, Nero was married to two men in separate ceremonies.  Paul faced the same choice as Moses, and made the same decision (Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; 1 Timothy 1:8-11).


Gay marriage advocates believe that God's word is irrelevant on this issue or has misled us for 35 centuries regarding God's design for marriage.  I choose to believe that our Lord knows us better than we know ourselves, and knows what is best for us. (Tweet this)


If the justices declare same-sex marriage to be the public policy of this nation, they will speak where the Constitution is silent and force many states to obey policies that directly contradict the will of their voting constituents.  They will enact legislation that violates the clear teaching of God's word.  If the Court does not provide a religious liberty exemption, churches will be required to choose between the law and the Bible.  And our nation will take another step away from God's blessing and toward his judgment.


Please join me today in praying for those who will argue against gay marriage before the Court. (Tweet this) Pray for the justices to be receptive to their reasoning.  And pray for the moral and spiritual awakening our culture needs so desperately.


G. K. Chesterton described America as "a nation with the soul of a church."  Let's pray fervently for our soul today.


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