Living Free Daily Devotional and Bible Devotions

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Living Free - Mar. 14, 2013

Draw from Your Savings Account

Today's Scripture

"But like money in some savings account God's precious gifts remain in the bank and our lives remain dwarfed and pinched, largely dependent upon small talents and starved by large doubts. Only by cashing in on God's glorious promises are we able to live effectively and productively in our kind of world." 2 Peter 1:3-4 Epistles Now by Leslie Brandt

Thoughts for Today

In today's scripture, Peter makes it clear that there is a common human problem not restricted to people with depression that causes many to live in the black hole of life instead of in the light of God's divine nature. "Only by cashing in on God's glorious promises" do we live effectively and productively.

The NIV translation of this same passage (verse 4) says that because we have been given everything we need for happiness and productivity, we have also received promises from God that allow us to "participate in the divine nature"!

Consider this … 

So how do we do this? How do we go about "cashing in" on God's promises? How do we move them from our "bank account" into our everyday lives?

We have already concluded that desire and willpower are insufficient. Only the work of the Holy Spirit in us can bring us into this kind of productive living. (Read Romans 8:12-15.)

And so we must believe that God has provided all we need. We must have faith that by the power of the Holy Spirit we can live effectively and productively for Jesus. We must soak in His Word—daily— and we must ask the Holy Spirit for his empowerment.

Don't let the treasures God has already provided sit unused in your "bank account."


Father, I sometimes see myself as so worthless and helpless. And yet your Word tells me that you have already provided everything I need to live an effective and productive life. I ask that the Holy Spirit will infuse me with power to become all that you have called me to be. In Jesus' name …

These thoughts were drawn from …

Understanding Depression: Overcoming Despair through Christ by Donald G. Miles, Ed.D. This study deals with depression, a condition common throughout the world, and is suggested for use in support groups and Christian counseling.

  • Understanding what depression is and how it affects relationships
  • Understanding the relationship between depression and spiritual warfare
  • Ways to fight depression with scripture, prayer and mutual support
  • Understanding the special prayer needs of depressed persons
  • How to pray for healing and what to expect
  • Serves as a powerful evangelistic tool by providing a way to minister to people's felt needs and then lead them to Christ

Note: This curriculum was written especially for small groups, and we encourage people to use it that way. However, it can also be used effectively as a personal study for individuals or couples.

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“True riches, according to the Bible, are secured in heaven, where moth and rust can’t destroy and where thieves cannot break in and steal. True riches are found in Jesus Christ.” --Greg

The 2013 Riches in Christ Calendar displays twelve of the most precious gems in the Christian’s crown. Clean, colorful, and practical, this resource is not only beautiful, but uplifting and useful as well. Also included is a bonus mini-calendar for your desktop, purse, or pocket.

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