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Commitment in Marriage: Commitment: Good or Bad? - Living Free - October 10

Commitment in Marriage: Commitment: Good or Bad? 

Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Living Free Every Day®
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Today's Scripture
"Be good wives to your husbands, responsive to their needs … What matters is not your outer appearance—the styling of your hair, the jewelry you wear, the cut of your clothes—but your inner disposition. Cultivate inner beauty, the gentle gracious kind that God delights in … The same goes for you husbands: Be good husbands to your wives. Honor them, delight in them."
1 Peter 3:1,3-4,7 MSG

Thoughts for Today
 Some couples choose to live together without making a marriage commitment. The relationship often ends in heartache for one, if not both of them. In fact, the likelihood of divorce within the first ten years of marriage is almost twice as high for those who cohabitated before marriage as for those who did not.

Commitment in marriage means more than satisfaction of sexual needs, companionship, or a trial run. It is a special union instituted by God. Without the benefit of marital boundaries, there is confusion in a relationship … and so often that confusion ultimately leads to pain for the couple, as well as for any children who may be involved.

Consider this …
When a married couple commit themselves to each other in love, respect and honor, a miracle of relationship can develop. Even though struggles are a part of marital growth, couples and children can mature from the disappointments.

Cohabitation, by its very nature, is a "what's in it for me" type of relationship. In a godly marriage, both partners enter the union wanting to give … rather than trying to get. There is freedom in this kind of relationship that can never be found outside of marriage.

Father, thank you for all the Bible teaches us about relationships. As I study the Scriptures, help me to grow in my understanding and apply your principles more and more to my life—and my relationships. In Jesus' name …

These thoughts were drawn from … by Dr. Jimmy Ray Lee. Whether in a private or group setting, couples will be encouraged spiritually and romantically as they research biblical principles that affirm their vows. This book can help every married couple grow spiritually and emotionally in their relationship. It is also a great help for engaged-to-be-married couples.


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