Adrian Rogers' Daily Devotionals

Love Worth Finding - February 9, 2016



Faithful in the Small Things

He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.” - Luke 16:10

Have you ever thought that the vast ocean is really made up of single drops of water, built from tiny molecules, which are made of microscopic atoms? Even in our lives, it is the small things that really do make the difference. All big things are made of little things. Big things are made of little choices, little acts, little words, and little thoughts. This is so important for us to realize, because every day we impact others by the little things we say or do. But if we are faithful in the little things, it follows that we will be faithful in that which is much. In other words, if we get the little things right, the big issues will take care of themselves.

“Little drops of water, little grains of sand…” goes the children’s rhyme. Be on guard for those little things that may slip in unnoticed but undermine God’s greater purpose in your life.

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Daybreak: Practicing the Presence of God

This devotional journal with daily applications was designed several years ago by Adrian Rogers. This leather-bound keepsake will be a treasured addition to start your day out right!

Each day you will begin with a nugget from one of his messages, a reading from God's Word, and a place to write your "Spiritual concerns and prayer requests." Order your copy today.

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