Adrian Rogers' Daily Devotionals

Grace in Action - Love Worth Finding - January 17

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January 17, 2025 – Grace in Action
Matthew 5:42
Sermon: 1680 The Miracle Mile, Part 2

Pray Over This

“Give to him who asks you, and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away.”
Matthew 5:42

Ponder This

Jesus, the Son of God, went the second mile. He is our example when we struggle to do the same. All His life was the life of a second mile. Even in the Garden of Eden, God went the second mile. Adam and Eve had sinned against God, and God would have been justified to let them come and confess before Him. But there is God, walking in the garden asking, “Where are you?” That wasn’t the voice of a detective. That was the voice of a seeking, broken-hearted, God.

Jesus left Heaven to come to Earth. And the Bible says God shows his love toward us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (see Romans 5:8). He went the second mile. We deserved the penalty of the law and justice, but He came to give us grace and mercy. What a Savior He is. He went to great lengths to show His love for us even when we did not deserve it. With the example our Savior has given, this is how we are called to live as well. He has set the way before us and equips us by His Spirit to love and to go the second mile for those who are undeserving. In so doing, we show the hope and grace of God to the world that needs Him.

  • How does following Jesus free us to give up our “rights” to serve others?
  • Who do you struggle to go the second mile for? Why?

Practice This

Ask God to help you show His love through going the second mile for someone today.

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