Adrian Rogers' Daily Devotionals

Too Many Words - Love Worth Finding - January 21

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January 21, 2025 – Too Many Words
Matthew 6:7
Sermon: 1682 Satan’s Academy Award, Part 2

Pray Over This

“And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words.”
Matthew 6:7

Ponder This

Too often, we approach prayer wanting to impress God, so we use formal language or try to say the right thing to Him. But it’s not the logic of our prayer, and it’s not the language of our prayer that impresses God. You don’t have to be a poet to pray. Have you ever heard anybody say, “Oh, I can’t pray?” My question back to them is, can you talk? Can you talk to another human being? Can you not talk to God? Do you think you have to be Shakespeare to pray?

When my children were small, suppose I came home and my daughter said to me, “Hail, yon eminent pastor. On thy sojourn home from yon Bellevue Baptist Church, I beseech thee, that thou would grant to thine second daughter Janice monies that I may sojourn to yonder apothecary and procure some cosmetics for my face.” I’d say, “Well, Janice, would you say that again, honey?” And she would say “Daddy, can I have some money? I need to get some makeup.” Wouldn’t that be a lot simpler? Do you think I’m going to be impressed by the fact that she uses this kind of language? Jesus was saying, “You don’t pray to impress God. It’s not the language of your prayer. And it’s not the length of your prayer. You’re not heard because of much speaking.”

  • How do you typically talk to God in prayer? How often do you talk to Him?
  • Does your time in prayer feel like a formality or a friendship? What is the gift in our being able to talk to God freely?

Practice This

Spend time talking to God, as you would a friend, about what is going on in your life.

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