Adrian Rogers' Daily Devotionals

Love Worth Finding - June 25, 2016


Gain What You Cannot Lose

“For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” - Philippians 1:21

Jim Elliot, martyred missionary to the Aucas in Ecuador, wrote in the flyleaf of his Bible, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” He's talking about giving his life for Christ and the gospel.

I’ll tell you, in these days the most dangerous thing you can do is to play it safe. You are safer out on the waves with Jesus Christ than you are in the boat without Him. These are desperate days, and we need to live like it.

Don't just sit there and let life pass you by! You're going to die anyway. You can't save your life. You're not going to get out of it alive. And so you might as well invest it in something important. 

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Daybreak: Practicing the Presence of God

This devotional journal with daily applications was designed several years ago by Adrian Rogers. This leather-bound keepsake will be a treasured addition to start your day out right!

Each day you will begin with a nugget from one of his messages, a reading from God's Word, and a place to write your "Spiritual concerns and prayer requests." Order your copy today.

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