Are You Experiencing Darkness? - Love Worth Finding - June 26
June 26, 2022 – Are You Experiencing Darkness?
Sermon: 2155 – Can God Be Trusted in Your Troubles?
Pray Over This
“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.”
Ponder This
What is darkness? Darkness is merely the absence of light. The only way there can be darkness is for the light to be withdrawn. Who is the light? God is the light. But sometimes God may just back off and leave His servant in darkness. If you read biographies of great Christians, almost all of them will talk about something they call the dark night of the soul. They’re serving God, they’re loving God, and then things come, perplexities they can’t understand.
There’s going to come a time when all your theology will go upside down. There will be a time when you won’t understand where God is and you’re going to be in such darkness you won’t see your hand in front of your face. What do you do then? Isaiah says stay upon your God; trust Him.
- Have you experienced a “dark night of the soul”? What was this like? How did God work and move in your life during and around this time?
- Why is it important to stay with God in these times?
Practice This
Do you know anyone who is facing a dark night of the soul currently? Pray for that person and reach out to encourage that person today.
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