Are You Walking in God’s Spirit? - Love Worth Finding - June 26
June 26, 2023 – Are You Walking in God’s Spirit?
Sermon: 1450 How to Have a Spirit-Controlled Life, Part 1
Pray Over This
“I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.”
Ponder This
To “walk in the Spirit” means the Spirit is to be the circumference of my walk. If I said to you, “Walk in this building.” That means you are supposed to stay in this building. This building is the parameter, the circumference, the environment, and the element in which you walk. If you step outside this building, you’re not walking in this building.
The Holy Spirit is to be the parameter in which you walk. Are you willing to do that? Our flesh often says, “Don’t fence me in!” It tells us that outside of the Spirit, there are certain pleasures, ideas, and fulfillments you need to make you happy. A person with a Spirit-controlled life has come to this settled conclusion: there is nothing worth having outside of Jesus. If you don’t come to that conclusion, you will never live a victorious life. All the things you do are to be within the context of the Holy Spirit of God leading and directing your life. When I step out of bounds, the Holy Spirit says, “You are out of bounds.” And so, I repent, and I step back in. That is a Spirit-controlled life.
- Can you truly say you are seeking to live within the parameters set by the Holy Spirit?
- When has God shown you that you were out of bounds? How did you respond?
Practice This
Take some time in silence to consider where you have seen the Holy Spirit direct your life. Listen to where the Spirit is leading you now.
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