Adrian Rogers' Daily Devotionals

Jesus is Praying for You - Love Worth Finding - June 27

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June 27, 2022 – Jesus is Praying for You

Hebrews 7:25

Sermon: 2158 – How to Find Peace in the Midst of Your Storms

Pray Over This

“Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.”

Hebrews 7:25

Ponder This

You want a blessed thought? You are on Jesus’ prayer list. There’s nothing much more comforting than for somebody to tell me he is praying for me. How immeasurably more comforting is it to know Jesus prays for us?

There are almost eight billion people on Earth. Some people have never been prayed for one time. If you’re on anybody’s prayer list, you’re blessed. I can tell you for sure that you’re on Jesus’ prayer list. The Lord Jesus knows you by name and He calls you by name. Did you come to God by Jesus? Then you’re on His prayer list. And what is He doing? The finished work of Jesus is Calvary. The unfinished work of Jesus is His prayer ministry.

  • How does it encourage you to know Jesus is interceding for you before the Father?
  • How does this free you in your own prayers?

Practice This

Spend time today in prayer, thanking God that Jesus continually intercedes for you even when you don’t know how to pray.

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