How Do You Deal with Guilt? - Love Worth Finding - June 29
June 29, 2023 – How Do You Deal with Guilt?
Sermon: 2188 Haunted by the Ghost of Guilt, Part 2
Pray Over This
“For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death.”
Ponder This
It is important to know the difference between accusation and conviction. The Holy Spirit is the convict-er; He will convict you of sin. The devil is the accuser; he will accuse you of sin. Accusation comes from Satan and causes you to feel hopeless and helpless. Judas was an example of this: he betrayed the Lord and was filled with remorse, which led him to suicide. His remorse did not draw him back to Jesus; it drove him from Jesus. True conviction draws you to the Lord. True conviction causes brokenness that leads you to be broken over your sin and to be broken from your sin. Simon Peter was convicted of his sin when he denied the Lord; he wept bitterly, and God restored him.
Satan accuses you not only before God, but he also accuses you to your face. He wants you to focus your attention on anything but Jesus. He wants you to live under the dark cloud of guilt and despair. When I teach about sin, I will not harp on guilt because that is not what brings true conviction and repentance. Guilt only brings remorse and beats people down; it becomes a tool of the devil.
- When have you experienced conviction? How did you respond?
- How have you seen the pain of guilt in your own life?
Practice This
Consider the last time you beat yourself up for something God has forgiven you of. Talk to God in prayer about that now.
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