Adrian Rogers' Daily Devotionals

Are You Striving to Be Holy? - Love Worth Finding - June 3

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June 3, 2024 – Are You Striving to Be Holy?
Hebrews 7:24-25
Sermon: 2471 Jesus, The Sinner’s Refuge, Part 1

Pray Over This

“But He, because He continues forever, has an unchangeable priesthood. Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.”
Hebrews 7:24-25

Ponder This

Holiness is not the way to Christ; Christ is the way to holiness. Thank God for that. Come, bring your sins, your weakness, your faults, and your failures to the Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t try to clean up without Jesus. Thank God He’s a sinless Savior. You can’t wash clothes and make them clean by washing them in dirty water.

Don’t get the idea that you must live the Christian life. The Christian life ought to be lived, but it is Jesus Christ underneath with His strength carrying you on His shoulders. He has done that for me since I was saved as a 14-year-old boy. Were it not for the strength of Jesus, I never would have made it. Come to Jesus. I promise you on the authority of the Word of God, if you sincerely trust Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, not only will He save you; He will keep you all the way. That’s what the Bible teaches. We have a high priest who’s able to save us to the uttermost. That means He’ll save you all the way through. He’ll keep you. He’ll save you instantaneously. He’ll be with you continually. He will keep you eternally.

  • What are some failures you have a hard time bringing to Christ?
  • How does Christ being the One who keeps us change the way we live?

Practice This

Pray and confess the failures and weaknesses you have been afraid to bring to God.

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