Adrian Rogers Love Worth Finding Daily Devotional

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<< Adrian Rogers' Daily Devotionals

Does God Try Me under Double Jeopardy? - Love Worth Finding - June 6

Does God try me under double jeopardy?


Therefore, we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. Romans 6:4

When Jesus Christ died, not only did He die for us, but we also died with Him. You may say, “Well, what difference does it make whether He died for me or I died with Him? It’s just a play on words.” Oh no it’s not, dear friend.

When you’re dead, then death has no dominion over you whatsoever. You can’t kill a man who is already dead. Let’s suppose a man is put to death for a capital crime he has committed, and yet somehow he is raised back to life. Do you think he can be arrested again for his crime? Absolutely not. That would be double jeopardy. He paid the penalty for his crime.

It’s necessary for you to understand that when Jesus died, you died, and guess what that means for you—the law has no more hold on you! Your sin debt has been paid in full because Jesus died for you and took your penalty. You died with Him.

If you have accepted Jesus’ death on the Cross as payment in full for sins, then there is no more payment to be made. Have you accepted that? Have you asked Him to forgive your sins? When Jesus said on the cross “It is finished!”—friend, it is finished. Praise Him today for what that means for you! You’ve been set free from “the law of sin and death.”

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