You’re Not Unarmed—You’ve Got Your Sword - Love Worth Finding - March 3
You’re Not Unarmed—You’ve Got Your Sword
For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword… Hebrews 4:12
The Word of God is all-powerful. Satan fears the Word of God. He knows it's overcoming power. Jesus defeated him by that Word. We must learn to use it against the devil and his minions.
It’s an offensive weapon. Like any weapon—especially spiritual ones—you have to be trained to use it. Many of us study the Bible, but it’s not enough just to study it, we must learn to employ it. The Word of God is a sword, and it is meant to be used. But you must be in His Word, studying it, to know how to implement it.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, tempted by Satan in the wilderness, took the Word of God—that sharp two-edged sword—and time after time ran Satan through with it. Jesus said, “It is written…. It is written…. It is written….” For that, Satan had no comeback. We can rely on the Word of God. We must!
When God speaks, everything else is irrelevant. Sharpen your Sword today by reading it. Spend time in His Word. Meditate on it. Stay in the Word daily. Memorize the Word. Begin today. If you only memorize one verse per week, by this time next year you’ll have committed to memory 52 verses! How many will you have memorized if you don’t? “Your Word I have hidden in my heart…” (Psalm 119:11)
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