Adrian Rogers' Daily Devotionals

Jesus Bore the Curse Upon Humanity - Love Worth Finding - March 31

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Jesus Bore the Curse Upon Humanity

(Wednesday before Easter) MARCH 31

Then to Adam He said, “Because you have heeded the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of it,’ cursed is the ground for your sake. In toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you…” Genesis 3:17-18 

Before His crucifixion, Roman soldiers crowned the Lord Jesus with a circlet made of long, sharp thorns. It was a sick form of torture, a cruel mockery, a wicked act of hatred and rebellion. Unwittingly, they were part of a drama that had been written before the world was swung into space. It was not accidental. Though done by wicked men, it was part of God’s magnificent plan. 

In the Garden of Eden, there had been no thorns, thistles, or brambles. The first rose bloomed without thorns. The crown of thorns symbolized the curse that fell upon all humanity—you, me, all of us—because of sin.  

Jesus wore the thorns because He bore the curse resulting from our rebellion. No matter your occupation or station in life, you’ll be among thorns. Your body, like the apostle Paul, will have a thorn in the flesh. The thorns on Jesus’ head spoke of the sickness and suffering we all experience because sin marred creation (Romans 8:22). Death always accompanies sin. 

The thorny pathway we walk, the curse that’s on everything, is because of sin. Look at every hospital, mental institution, jail, every sick or crippled body and say “Sin did this.”  Look at heartache, pain, and anguish. Write over it one word: SIN. Thorns are the symbol. Who is taking care of your sin today? Who is paying the price for it? Is it under the blood? Are you trusting Christ alone for that?

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