Adrian Rogers' Daily Devotionals

God Enables Us to Believe - Love Worth Finding - March 4

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March 4, 2023 – God Enables Us to Believe

Philippians 1:29

Sermon: 2069 Faith: What It Is and How to Have it

Pray Over This

“For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake.”

Philippians 1:29

Ponder This

You can have natural faith in the natural realm; we all live by natural faith. You’re putting faith in the chair that you’re sitting in right now. When you go to a restaurant, you’re putting faith in the cook.

But biblical faith is in the supernatural realm. You don’t generate that. God gives it, so you don’t work it up; it comes down. In 2 Peter 1:1, Peter talks about those who have obtained precious faith. People cannot believe in God unless God enables them to believe.

The only way you can believe in God is to hear from God, and God must enable you to believe. The instrument God uses to enable you to believe is His Word. Faith is not a leap in the dark; it’s a step in the light. You hear from God. But without a word from God, you have no basis for faith. There are some people today who say, “You name it and claim it.” But here is the fact of the matter: you can’t claim it unless God names it. He is the Author of our faith.

  • Where do you turn when you have doubts in your faith?
  • Have you ever asked God to help you grow in your faith? What was that like?

Practice This

Share with a friend some areas of faith you struggle with. Ask that friend to share about how God has grown his or her faith in Him.

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