Adrian Rogers' Daily Devotionals

Love Worth Finding - May 23, 2017

MAY 23

No Offense, No Effect

“Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.” - Matthew 10:34

A pulpit committee approached me one time and said, “We need a pastor for our church.”

I said, “I know just the guy. He is a fantastic preacher and has a fiery evangelistic spirit, but he has health problems and he’s kind of old.” I continued, “He’s also been in jail several times.”

They began to shake their heads, and one said, “Well, we don’t know whether he’s the man we want or not.”

I said, “Well, don’t worry; you couldn’t get him. He’s already in heaven, and his name is Paul.”

You don’t want a guy who can rub shoulders with the people of this world and not rub any salt in their wounds. Where there is no offense, there is no effect.

Pray for the men who occupy the pulpits in our churches that they would not water down the truth of God’s Word, but be strong to proclaim its power.

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Daybreak: Practicing the Presence of God

This devotional journal with daily applications was designed several years ago by Adrian Rogers. This leather-bound keepsake will be a treasured addition to start your day out right!

Each day you will begin with a nugget from one of his messages, a reading from God's Word, and a place to write your "Spiritual concerns and prayer requests." Order your copy today.

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