Adrian Rogers' Daily Devotionals

Drawing Near to God - Love Worth Finding - May 27

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May 27, 2024 – Drawing Near to God
Psalm 103:7
Sermon: 1874 Knowing God Intimately

Pray Over This

“He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the children of Israel.”
Psalm 103:7

Ponder This

You can know about God, or you can know God. To know about God is to see God’s works. To know God intimately is to know God’s ways. Most people know God on the first level. All they know is the works of God. They know what God does, but they don’t know the ways of God. They don’t know who God is.

God made known His ways to Moses. He made known His acts, or His works, to the children of Israel. Moses knew God in a way the rest of the people didn’t. The rest of the people saw the works of God, but Moses knew the ways of God. We need to look beyond the works of God to see the ways of God. Now that brings about a question. Does God have favorites? No, but He does have intimate relationships with His people. How would you like to be on intimate terms with God? When you know the ways of God, that will bring peace to your troubled soul and stability to your life.

We need to know God intimately. To know God intimately will give you tranquility. It will give you rest when you not only look for Him to work and answer prayers but draw near to Him and know His ways and His heart.

  • What do you feel more familiar with, God’s works or God’s ways?
  • When have you determined to know God intimately? How can you do this continually?

Practice This

Spend time in prayer and silence to draw near to God and ask Him to help you know Him intimately.

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