Adrian Rogers' Daily Devotionals

Have You Grown Too Casual? - Love Worth Finding - May 29

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May 29, 2022 – Have You Grown Too Casual?

Proverbs 14:14

Sermon: 1029 – The Backslider

Pray Over This

“The backslider in heart will be filled with his own ways, but a good man will be satisfied from above.”

Proverbs 14:14

Ponder This

In the beginning of 2 Samuel 11, David had become casual about the things of God. He had been blessed so much—God had been so good to him, and David had enjoyed victory after victory—that he no longer had to fight. He could just sit back, coast, and take it easy. David had put off the armor, but the Bible warns that we are to endure difficulties as good soldiers of the Lord.

Many of us gave our hearts to the Lord Jesus as children. We meant business and our heart belongs to Him. But I wonder if there are not some of us who need to say, “Lord Jesus, I have gotten casual about this thing. I have taken for granted what I did as a child or as a young person. But now today, Lord Jesus, I present the most precious thing I have—my life, my soul, my all—to you anew and afresh like I have never ever done it before.”

  • In what ways have grown casual about your relationship with the Lord?
  • How is He calling you to respond?

Practice This

Consider your life and relationship with Christ. Respond to Him with renewed commitment today.

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