Adrian Rogers' Daily Devotionals

Are You Trying to be Perfect? - Love Worth Finding - May 5

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May 5, 2023 - Are You Trying to be Perfect?

Exodus 20:12

Sermon: 1854 Has the Nuclear Family Bombed? Part 1

Pray Over This

“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.”

Exodus 20:12

Ponder This

Don’t get the idea that you must be a perfect parent. You’re not a perfect parent, and your children are not perfect children.

God gave your children each a will. I don’t have goals for my children; I have desires for my children. Do you know who I have goals for? For myself. Why? Because I can’t control my children; I can control me, by God’s grace. So, my desire is that I will have godly children; my goal is I will be a godly dad. Do you understand the difference? With God helping me, I will be a godly dad.

I want to relieve you from the burden of perfectionism—from thinking if your child fails, it’s because you weren’t perfect. If their success depends upon your perfection, they won’t ever succeed; they will fail because no one is perfect.

  • Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the desire to be a perfect parent or perfect person?
  • How does Jesus’s work on our behalf relieve the pressure for us to be perfect?

Practice This

Encourage some parents you know in a tangible way, whether by a word of encouragement or a thoughtful gift.

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