God Has a Place Saved for You - Love Worth Finding - November 10
November 10, 2022 – God Has a Place Saved for You
Sermon: 1367 How to Feel Good about God
Pray Over This
“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over.”
Ponder This
Who sets the table in your house? It likely depends on who’s coming. If no one’s coming, I may set the table, but I never can get it quite right.
But when we are expecting company, generally, Joyce will set the table. No longer do we have the placemats. We have the linen tablecloth. No longer do we have the glass. We get the crystal. No longer do we have ordinary dishes; the best China comes out, and there will be lit candles and fresh flowers on the table. Everything is just right, and the music will be playing softly in the background. We really love to set the table. Do you know why we set the table that way? To honor the person who’s coming.
You see, here’s what David was saying: “God has put on an apron. God, Jehovah, has prepared a table for me. For me! The Lord of glory has prepared a table for me. He loves me. He welcomes me. I’m special to Him.”
- How does it feel to know God values your place at His table?
- Who is someone in your congregation who needs to be reminded that God has a place for him or her at His table?
Practice This
Encourage someone who may be feeling left out that God has a special place at His table for him or her.
For more from Love Worth Finding and Pastor Adrian Rogers, please visit www.lwf.org.
You can also listen to Adrian Rogers at OnePlace.com.